Search results

  1. fishpeep101

    Mixing Triggers?

    Thanks for all the replies everyone!!! The Niger (Nigel) is doing good, eating normally, color is good. The blue jaw (Tabius) has been a little better towards Nigel, but is still being a bit of a bully. I am going to wait a couple of days and if things do not get better I am going to have to...
  2. fishpeep101

    Mixing Triggers?

    No tension mounting in the past. He has always been very timid and had never bothered anything until last night. I thought blue jaw/ blue throat was the same fish?? I learn somethimg new everyday!! I have decided to move the star, because he drifted a little too close to his territory, and I...
  3. fishpeep101

    Check This Sucker Out!!!! My New Emperor

    That is an awesome looking juvie!!! I have one who I have had for about two months. His name is Lionus! He is like a dog to me!!!!! When he sees me come into the room he gets excited and sims to his side up and down the tank almost as if he is saying hello! If i go to one side of the tank he...
  4. fishpeep101

    Mixing Triggers?

    Hello all!! I have a question I have a blue jaw trigger fish who was the first fish I bought when my tank became established. That was about 6-7 months ago. Well I had someone give me a Niger Trigger who is a healthy fish, until now.... My blue jaw trigger has went off!!!!! Not only does the...
  5. fishpeep101

    feeding my eel?

    What knd of eel is it, and how big is it? Some eels require different care than others. i am no expert by any means, but with more info. maybe somebody can give you a better answer. Good luck with your new eel. Jennifer
  6. fishpeep101

    This is why we need to enforce birth control in this country

    Originally Posted by rudedog40 Police: Couple Feuds Over Toddler's Gang 19-Year-Old Arrested, Pleads Guilty To Disorderly Conduct POSTED: 9:35 pm CDT April 10, 2008 COMMERCE CITY, Colo. -- A couple arguing about which gang their 4-year-old toddler should join caused a public disturbance that...
  7. fishpeep101

    New Tesselata eel

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig And here is a post from a new expert without any fish yet When you put the Emperor Angel in your 90, I will you too. Everybody says they are going to upgrade Oh yeah aren't you also a "golf expert" Look all I said was that someone is always raining on someones...
  8. fishpeep101

    Pick One

    I wouldn't do both in a 75. You might think this sounds crazy, but I four fish in my 100 gallon and I wouldn't put anymore in there even if I could. I like fewer fish in the tank, it adds to the tank IMO. I still say the yellow though! Jennifer
  9. fishpeep101

    trigger grunting and making an snapping noise

    Originally Posted by ccampbell57 Espkh - please do not use Slackjaw's tank as a good example of how to care for fish. He does not care for his fish and has said it many many times prior that when they get sick or they dont fight back they will be flushed or stuffed. I personally found out what...
  10. fishpeep101

    New Tesselata eel

    Originally Posted by kjr_trig I hate to sound harsh, but I hope you know what you have gotten into to. Tessys are known to get to 6 feet long and are notorious fish killers, the guys at WetWebMedia don't recommend this fish in anything less than 300 gallons and only with huge fish like full...
  11. fishpeep101

    Does anybody here have triggers in their reefs??

    Ditto. I have a blue jaw trigger in my tank srt up with some reef. Jennifer
  12. fishpeep101

    Pick One

    You can never go wrong with a yellow tang. I have a yellow tang in my tank and everyone that sees him always compliments him over and over. Jennifer
  13. fishpeep101

    Big Fish?

    What about a yellow or purple tang? They are both beautiful fish (2 of my favorites) and one of the two would do great in your tank. I have a yellow tang in my tank and I love him to death! When people come over they always sit and stare at him and comment on how gorgeous he is. They are a...
  14. fishpeep101

    Heading to the marine Expo in about an hour

    What is the Marine Expo an where does it tke place? I would love to go to something like that!! Jennifer
  15. fishpeep101

    Marine Fishes Book by Scott W. Michael for sale

    I will take it if it is good condition. Do you have a paypal?? Jennnifer
  16. fishpeep101

    Fish compatible????

    Hello all! I am new to the forum and I have a question. I am curious to know if these fish are compatible together... 1 yellow tang, 1 blonde naso tang, 1 powder blue tang, 1 blue throat trigger, 1 Harlequin tusk wrasse, and 1 Percula Clownfish. Are these fish compatible together in a 220?
  17. fishpeep101

    New Hobbyist

    Thanks for all the responses! I took a sample of water to the LFS and had it tested again by them. They said everything looked great except for the PH??? I don't know why the Ph is low, but I bought a buffer to bring it up. By the way I figured out why my amonia didn't read. It was a user error...
  18. fishpeep101

    New Hobbyist

    Well sorry I have it written down somewhere at home. I am at work right now.
  19. fishpeep101

    New Hobbyist

    Hello all!!! I am new to the board and the saltwater hobby! I have a 110 gl cichlid tank, and I have had cichlids for years, but I have always wanted a saltwater tank since I was a kid. Anyways, I have a 100 gl overflow w/sump, protein skimmer, 2 250 watt Metal Halide (sp) lights, ect. I am very...
  20. fishpeep101

    110 XT Reef Ready tank Kentucky FS/FT

    Hi jmccown I am in Louisville, is the tank still for sale????