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  1. kat79

    Anemone on a suicide mission

    Yup, the pic was taken after the incident. And yea, you're right, I should have covered the powerheads. I was hoping that the nano Koralia powerheads wouldn't be that much of a threat to the BTA considering their design..... A hard lesson learned. I totally agree that the BTA will eventually...
  2. kat79

    Anemone on a suicide mission

    After a lot of consideration and research, I picked up a BTA for my 10g nano tank last week. I wanted to be sure that I could properly care for an anemone before I brought any fish into the mix (i.e. clownfish). I didn't want to run the risk of having the BTA die on me and losing all the fish as...
  3. kat79

    Gorilla crab? For sure?!?!?

    What a shame...... Fortunately, the glass cup trap worked. He's been banished to the refugium of our 55g. I kinda feel bad. But, I guess that opens a spot in the nano. Any colorful, reef safe crab recommendations? Thanks!
  4. kat79

    Gorilla crab? For sure?!?!?

    Hey everybody! This guy came with a piece of live rock that I purchased for my nano. He hasn't bothered anything yet (not that there is much to bother), but I need know if he ever will! I understand that Gorilla crabs have black claws..... he doesn't. So, is it possible that he could be...
  5. kat79

    Lighting for a 10 gallon?

    Thanks for the reply, KPclown! I'll have to consider that. At least its a good start.
  6. kat79

    Lighting for a 10 gallon?

    Nothing? Nobody can throw me a bone, here? I just need a starting point.....
  7. kat79

    Lighting for a 10 gallon?

    Hey guys! So, I'm setting up a 10g nano tank for a lonely false percula clownfish that is getting picked on in our main display. Once everything is ready, I'd like to attempt to get a bubble tip anemone for the fish to host (IF she will, anyway), and maybe some random LP and SP corals. I...
  8. kat79

    Aiptasia ID --- I think I got lied to.....

    Well, I'm hope that by using the Joe's Juice today, I won't have any new small ones popping up anywhere else. I certainly didn't have any aiptasia on my previously established rock! And so far I've only seen it on that one, new, big piece of rock that I bought a few days ago. So anyway, those...
  9. kat79

    Aiptasia ID --- I think I got lied to.....

    Dang it! So, do I need to invest in some Joe's Juice pronto then? Grrrr, that chaps my ..... Thanks!
  10. kat79

    Aiptasia ID --- I think I got lied to.....

    So, I went and bought some pre-cured live rock today to add to my 55g tank. On one of the larger pieces, I noticed a little anemone floating in the current. When I asked the shop owner about it, she said it was a "spiral anemone" and nothing to worry about. When I suggested aiptasia, she replied...
  11. kat79

    Name that coral!!!!!

    Thanks guys! That's kinda what I figured. Oh well... It's probably a good thing considering I'm in need of a lighting upgrade anyway.
  12. kat79

    Name that coral!!!!!

    I just recently bought this coral frag at my local dealer.... I was told that it was a frogspawn, but now I'm not so sure. It certainly doesn't look like some of the pictures I'm finding online.... I'm pretty certain it's from the genus Euphyllia, but I'm not sure exactly which one I'm dealing...
  13. kat79

    Happy Yellow Tang with the infamous white spots!

    So, let me start by saying, "Bare with me, I'm horribly new to this." My husband was recently deployed to Afghanistan; leaving me in charge of his 55 gal. saltwater tank. To make a REALLY long story short, our relationship has almost always been long distance, so I've never had the chance to...