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  1. pmob7714

    Help...My Tang is in bad shape

    I think i might have overdosed with a plankton additive I was using. The water did look kinda green last night after I dosed it. There seems to be a slight green tint on the sand in spots now. Maybe I poisoned it?
  2. pmob7714

    Help...My Tang is in bad shape

    Its in a 55gal with 70lbs of live rock. The tang is only about 2 1/2" long.
  3. pmob7714

    Help...My Tang is in bad shape

    I got a yellow tang from the lfs a couple days ago. It looked fine in the store. Today is its third in my tank and things went downhill in a hurry with it today. Yesterday it was swimming around eating stuff off the live rock it looked like it was gonna do fine. Today its not really swimming...
  4. pmob7714

    Skittish Tang

    I just got my first yellow tang yesterday. I was just wondering if it is normal for them to be very jumpy at first? Every time I go over to the tank and look it bolts and hides in the the lr. The tang is pretty much king of the tank with two small perc clowns that keep thier distance. Also...
  5. pmob7714

    Adding Calcium

    Hello. I am starting a 55gal reef tank. It finished cycling about two weeks ago. I added two small perc clowns at that time and they are doing fine. Now I want to add some corals maybe a few zoo's when the tank is ready. My lighting and water movement are good(8w/gal and 20+gal/hr). They...
  6. pmob7714

    Tank Cycled?

    When I took the shrimp out it broke apart. I got most of it out would a cleaner shrimp be ok to add?
  7. pmob7714

    Tank Cycled?

    Hello, I have had my 55 gal tank setup for about a month now. For the first couple weeks I had just the water with bacteria culture added. At the begining of the third week I added a mix of 40 lbs live sand, 40 lbs dead sand, and 20 lbs of live crushed coral along with 20 lbs of base rock...
  8. pmob7714

    Live rock question

    My sand bed is 3" deep. I have 17lbs of base rock and 18lbs of live rock. I am going to add 20 more lbs of live rock over the next week or so. I was also thing about adding a yellow tang. I think the water is good enough. No ammonia, nitrites, or nitrites, and its been up for a couple weeks...
  9. pmob7714

    Live rock question

    Hello. I am starting a 55gal reef tank and have a question about some live rock I've just added. I was just wondering if I needed to add anything else but calcium and lots of light to keep it alive. I have 216 watts of 10,000k white light and 216 watts of 6,500k actnic blue. I also have a...
  10. pmob7714

    Sand Bed Question

    Good Idea. Thanks Again.
  11. pmob7714

    Sand Bed Question

    Thanks Thomas. I think i'll get a sifter and get rid of it. I was considering leaving it in there for a while to let some of the bacteria make its way into the base rock. Would leaving it in there for about a week hurt the live sand under it?
  12. pmob7714

    Sand Bed Question

    Would it matter if I just mixed it up? I only put it in because I thought it would make it easier for the smaller stuff(pods) to get in and move around in.
  13. pmob7714

    Sand Bed Question

    I am going to start a 55gal reef tank. I just poured my sand bed and wanted a second opinion on it. I used about 40 lbs of really fine dead sand on the bottom. 20 lbs of live sand on top of that. Then I put 20 lbs of live crushed coral on top of that. Will that work fine for aerobic and...
  14. pmob7714

    Silicate Sand

  15. pmob7714

    Silicate Sand

    Hello. I was wondering if there was an easy way to tell the difference between silicate and aragonite sand. I used a really fine white sand as a base for my sand bed and the bag said nothing about what it is made of. The brand name was Nature's Ocean and it says it is 100% natural if that helps.
  16. pmob7714

    Kalkwasser Problem

    It's brand new all that is in there is water. Which is why I thought just dumping it in would be fine.
  17. pmob7714

    Kalkwasser Problem

    Hello, I am preparing water for a 55 gallon reef tank. I mixed some instant ocean with some distilled water last night with no problem in my bare tank with the powerheads going. Today I was trying to get the calcium level correct. I bought some kalkwasser mix from the fish store which read...
  18. pmob7714

    New 55gal reef tank

    I want as little tubing behind the tank as possible. I want to keep the back clear so I think it will look atot better without plastic tubes hanging behind it.
  19. pmob7714

    New 55gal reef tank

    I don't have a sump. I think the skimmer and LR and LS will be enough.
  20. pmob7714

    Getting Sand from Ocean

    Thanks for the info