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  1. mealworm

    best anenome for pecula clown

    Well I have known people to have anenomes in a 30 gal or so, but that is a good question. This tank is specifically for my clowns as I am hopping to breed. Does anyone hear know of any specific lighting a bubble tip would need? and would a 20 gal be suitable for them to thrive? thanks! btw...
  2. mealworm

    best anenome for pecula clown

    Hi, I would really like to breed my peculas, and I know they would be happy to have an anenome. I know that the green capet takes clowns, but it is a little too big for the 20g my clowns are in. I read on this site that the pink tipped haitian takes some clowns (and the size and price are...
  3. mealworm

    Percula Fight

    Hey guys, I'm starting to get worried about my little clown. Hes eating and everything but he hides under a rock most of the time. Would it help to get a few more peculas or should I just try to get rid of one. please help
  4. mealworm

    sleepy clowns

    umm.. well he said it was: nitrate 7 ppm nitrite .08ppm ammonia less than .25 haha this could be the problem! I think im just gonna take his fish.
  5. mealworm

    sleepy clowns

    hey, My friend has 2 pecula clowns. They seem to be doing pretty good but they act a little funny sometimes. They sometimes make little "nests" in the sand and lay on their sides breathing.. but then they swim around again and act normal. My friend sayd that this is normal but it seems odd...
  6. mealworm

    crusty salt

    hey, I just want to make sure that this is normal. My filter gets crusty salt from the water on it (mostly around the compartment for the protien skimmer). Anyone have any problems like this? appreciate it!!
  7. mealworm

    Percula Fight

    I have three clowns aswell and I've noticed that the smaller one gets picked on a little. They havent faught but I'm worried about my little guy. They were all getting along really well for a while. I cant sell it back to the pet store. In the wild, dont they live in groups? (i could be...
  8. mealworm

    filter issues

    hey, I have a 20-gal tank that ive had set up for a few years. Everything was going great with the few little fish ive had (mostly damsels and clowns). I have a bio-matrix filter w/ protein skimmer. Just a few weeks a go i bought a few snails for algae clean-up and 2 pounds of live rock to...