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  1. seadoggy

    I need some help

    he is starting to eat, now and seem to be fine since day one with swimming but just wasn't eating. he is only eating a little maybe because he is so sm? He will eat a little flake food and some frozen by it has to right around him for him or her to go after.
  2. seadoggy

    Big problem!! please help

  3. seadoggy

    Big problem!! please help

    I add him slowly to my own water over about a 1hr, by adding some of my water and so on. so I should return the test kits? and he is swimming all over the place doesn't look stress just doesn't want to eat
  4. seadoggy

    I need some help

    My tank has been up in running for almost 2wks. Before hand it was a bracket tank. I have 3 biowheels, marineland280/330 with a magnium 350/protein skimmer and one power head. My problem I took a water sample up to the store and My PH was fine, my ammonia was zero nitrites were .25 almost...
  5. seadoggy

    Big problem!! please help

    My 55 ga tank has been up in running as a salt tank for almost 2 wks. Before it was a salt tank it was bracket tank. I have a marineland 280/330 and mag350 filter on it with 3 biowheels. That have been in their for almost 2years now. Also a protein skimmer and 1 powerhead. When I set up my...
  6. seadoggy

    which fish first

    so it depends on the clown fish right? even then you are taken a chance? what other fish are nice looking and good for a first timer? by the way thanks for everyones response.
  7. seadoggy

    which fish first

    I have a 55 gal. And just wanted a Lionfish a clown not sure which one need to read up but any suggestions would be great since I would like maybe 2. And I was thinking about a tang not sure yet.
  8. seadoggy

    which fish first

    I really like the lionfish I know for most its old news but thats what got me to do my salt tank. Now for my first fish I was thinking A lionfish I know that they are hardy and can get mean sometimes, but I also what a clown and maybe a tang(yellow) would you think by adding in the lion first...
  9. seadoggy

    cycling with shrimp

    yea I did about a 60% water change if not more, I always kept my tank in top condition. I running a marineland 330 and a 280, plus a Magnium 350 a protein skimmer and one powerhead in a 55 gal. And I used the same biowheels 3 in all.
  10. seadoggy

    Temp reading

  11. seadoggy

    cycling with shrimp

    I also have a new tank set up after I get my amminona down its already drop by 1 whole part in a day can I add one scrimp its only going to be about 4 days old, but it was a bracket water tank before so I have biowheels already going?
  12. seadoggy

    Temp reading

    I've been using a temp reading strip that you apply to your tank, to measure your temp. Mine always reads 83-86. It does gets some sunlight during the day but not much. I put one on the top corner and bottom corner. So today I bought a sinking one and it says 80 degrees. What gives? I hope...