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  1. fi5033

    salt do you dump?

    Just curious.. How do you guys get rid of salt water from water change? I am afraid that my drain pipe will rust due to the salt in the water?
  2. fi5033

    coral banded shrimp

    I have big CBS and doing well with cleaner but the other day I decide to put camelback in the tank and as soon as I put the camback shirmp in the tank, my CBS snatch the camelback and ate it like candy.. My daughter was watching the whole scene and she was crying like crazy..end up being lying...
  3. fi5033

    I have a sick fish and donno what it is...please help

    Can anyone help with my sick clownfish? it's got black dot/spot appeared like 4 days ago. He is isolated in a 2.5g rubbermaid with a heater, water filter and small live rock. The tank is fairly new about 10 weeks. I had him for about 10 days His is about an inch and pretty small fish. Water...
  4. fi5033

    black spot on my clownfish...please help..

    I don't have any anenome. Just fish only tank for now.
  5. fi5033

    black spot on my clownfish...please help..

    more pictures
  6. fi5033

    black spot on my clownfish...please help..

    This my first posting but I've been reading this mesage boards for many months and Many thanks all of you for greating posting and information. Now I've got a problem :sleepy: and could use some help. My clownfish got a huge black mark on top of his head and his owner got no clue what kind...