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  1. viper

    Clown Triggers from SWF?

    My trigger has bright "corvette yellow" lips and the black portions are Jet black. The gray ovals have an almost pearly appearance to them. In fact, with the right angle the spots seem to glow as if they are white in a blacklit room. I had no idea a fich could be that gorgeous. :D PS. I went...
  2. viper

    Clown Triggers from SWF?

    By the way, the Tessla was in the tank first by about 1 week. When I first added the clown trigger they were somewhat aggressive towards each other. Now when I go peak at them at night the clown is lodged in a crevice and the Tessla is lying just under him and partially wrapped around the...
  3. viper

    Feeding a Tessalata

    Do you know of any online suppliers of frozen krill/silvers? I live about 100 miles from the nearest shop. I suppose I could drive to St. Louis and stock-up, but I'd rather just order online Thanks
  4. viper

    Clown Triggers from SWF?

    I bought a Tessalata Eel and a clown trigger from SWF. Both arrived in excellent health and are doing well. (Both are beautiful!) Viper
  5. viper

    Feeding a Tessalata

    I recently purchased a Tessalata about 10 inches long. I'm feeding him Goldfish. How many/often should I feed him? PS: I'm getting a 200 gallon tank soon. [ August 28, 2001: Message edited by: Viper ]