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  1. ljw1960

    Clownfish Fry

    Today our clownfish fry are 11 days old. They are only 3/8" long.........still so small. I thought they would be bigger by now. We have been feeding them rotifers constantly from the beginning and for the past week we've been feeding them brine shrimp. We were so hopeful that we've made it...
  2. ljw1960

    Clown Fish Fry

    Anyone out there know how long you are to keep light constantly on the nursery tank? When do you start turning the light off at night? We are down to having only 3 fry left and they are 9 days old today.
  3. ljw1960

    clown fry

    Thanks for the suggestion. We will definitely do that with the next batch since this is the second time she laid the eggs on the glass instead of a rock. Our larvae are on their 5th day now and we just gave them some brine shrimp to eat. We have 19 larvae! Never made it...
  4. ljw1960

    clown fry

    Yes, my tank is covered in black. The first several batches of eggs were laid on a rock at the bottom of our tank that had other big rocks on top; so we couldn't remove them the night of hatching. My husband put a ceramic pot in front of the rock they were laying eggs on so that hopefully they...
  5. ljw1960

    clown fry

    Thanks......We'll do that next time, but I'll tell you.......we do shine flash light at top of the tank, but you wouldn't believe the amount of fry that stay low in the tank. I also have a correction to make. I said we feed them Nanoplanktin, but I was wrong. It is Nanocoreopsis (spelling?)...
  6. ljw1960

    clown fry

    yes, in little cubes, Our fish go crazy over them!
  7. ljw1960

    clown fry

    Nursery tank is a 10 gal. tank with heater and air stone going (temp @78 degrees), (air at moderate bubbles). Feeding Fry with rotifers that are fed with Nannoplanktin and Roti-Rich. At first we were filling the tank to about 3" from the top. Didn't do that with this batch as I read on this...
  8. ljw1960

    clown fry

    This is the 8th attempt to keep clown fry alive. For the first time about 25 fry are still alive after 24 hours. (keeping them in less water)Not all eggs hatched last night and I expect the rest to hatch tonight. Should I add tonight's fry to the nursery tank with last night's fry? Also...