does your tank have a top? how many gallons is it? if your tank is topless, i wouldnt go for firefish..
zoanthids, mushrooms, xenia are some of the hardier corals.
you should join a local reef forum to your location. there are a bunch out there. you could probably score some free LS from a local hobbyist. where are you located? u can def buy rock from hobbyists as well. they usually sell rock at 2-4 bucks a pound.
i havent updated my thread in a while.. i moved to a different forum.. ill post a somewhat recent fts here.. i dont use a skimmer, i have a 28 gallon jbj nano cube..but then again my bioload is extremely low, just 3 fish..picasso clowns and a goby.
i think you will be happier with a refugium...
convert the back chamber of your tank into a refugium. get a small 2x18 watt light, submersible light, or a drop light--home depot 7 bucks..load it with chaeto. bag of carbon, bag of phosban, bag of chemipure. thats alllllllll you need!
dam damsels screwing around. my clown spits water out of the tank when shes hungry so be happy! at least your clown spits water/air bubbles IN your tank.