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  1. arsen_36

    who knows about comic books?

    my sister hooked me up with these two comic books. one is a superman/batman and the other is just superman. they were both issued in 04. the superman/batman one is signed my micheal turner, jeph loeb, and peter steigerwald. the superman one is signed by micheal turner and peter steigerwald. the...
  2. arsen_36

    Weird formation on glass??

    snail eggs...
  3. arsen_36

    1/4 gallon nano

    wine glass reef tank!!!! hahaha wtf dude
  4. arsen_36

    pics from thailand

    HOLY CLOWN FISH!! :scared:
  5. arsen_36

    New Octopus

    anything new? ***)
  6. arsen_36

    1/4 gallon nano

  7. arsen_36

    do all blennies help keep algae in check?

    thanks. im just going to wait for my 54g. till then ill just get more snails and crabs. :happyfish
  8. arsen_36

    covering the back of the tank?

    are you talking about painting the back of the tank black/blue or getting a black/blue backround? if you are then its just for looks. makes all the great colors of your creatures pop out better haha. and it hides all of the nasty looking wires.
  9. arsen_36

    pics of my 3 gal picotope

    catalina gobys live in cold water. it wont last long in reef. it has to be in cooler water. i personaly wouldnt add a fish but you could probably go with any species of clown goby. they are realy tiny and have great personality. they are kinda hard to feed when you first get them but if you try...
  10. arsen_36

    Ok Today WAS the day New 29G at home!!! jy

    thats a bristle worm aka fire worm. they are a good thing. they scavenge on left over food and eat fish poop. like 98% of all worms are good to have. ps DONT TOUCH THEM!!! use gloves when moving rocks around cuz if one just so happens to stick its bristles into you trust me lol
  11. arsen_36

    28 bow front

    dude you got a tang in a 28g. other than that i realy like your clowns.. if i wasnt so broke i would have gone with a pair...
  12. arsen_36


    its kinda funky looking if you ask me. check out the boxer crabs. those are realy awsome
  13. arsen_36

    Damsel ID please...

    thats a NICE looking damsel... not sure what it is though sorry :notsure: . how much did you pay for him?
  14. arsen_36

    do all blennies help keep algae in check?

    i got a descent amount of hair algae in my tank and i always wanted a blenny. do all blennies help control algae problems or is it just the lawnmower blenny? i have a 29g with 35-40lbs of rock. i am leaning toward a starry.
  15. arsen_36

    is glass cleaner bad?

    ok thanks
  16. arsen_36

    is glass cleaner bad?

    is using windex to clean the outside of my fish tank bad? if so why? thanks
  17. arsen_36


    not to hijack your thread but do LMB eat algea of the glass and sand too or just the rock... thanks
  18. arsen_36

    hard sand

    yeah its ok to break up. just every time you do a water change, mix the top layer of your sand bed around. or you could get a sand shifter to do your dirty work.
  19. arsen_36

    54 gallon project...

    Originally Posted by WangoTango lol. where'd you get those guys? i bet someone is going to keep watching them to see who wins... -Justin after 6 hours and a bottle of visene... the guy with the green lightsaber got my vote ***)
  20. arsen_36

    ID Please on a fish

    Originally Posted by JasonMarc I know this thread is really old - but I saw one of these guys at my LFS yesterday and REALLY liked it. Was told it's related to basslets, and he'd get about 5-6 inches long. Peaceful and carnivorous. Anyone have any information on this guy? If he gets that big I...