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  1. rushprop

    what type of silicone?

  2. rushprop

    what type of silicone?

    I am doing a small DIY project for a sump. I bought all the stuff a while back, and then read on here that I bought the wrong silicone. So I went out and bought the new stuff and put it with the stuff that I had already bought. Now I can't remember which stuff was the wrong and which was the...
  3. rushprop


    Just saw you lived in lima, home of the fighting beans. I'd be down for a trip up there, been a while since I had some "maid rites." Let me know.
  4. rushprop


    if GreenReefer doesnt want them, I will take the lights. I live in cincy, are you near?
  5. rushprop

    salt water equipment and tank

    Read the classified forum rules.
  6. rushprop

    marineland HoldFast epoxy vs "mighty putty"

    "Billy Mays here, Mighty Putty Rocks!!!" Guy can sell (and does) anything.
  7. rushprop

    Will this Super Glue Gel work for frags?

    Originally Posted by privatejoker It work underwater fine. What you need to do is put some on first, rub it on the rock and then pull the coral. Put more glue on and put on the rock where you rubbed the coral. It will stick fine. I think this is the secret trick. Pulling the frag up a bit...
  8. rushprop

    Will this Super Glue Gel work for frags?

    Wouldnt see why not. I am sure that chemically these glues arent any very different, and I use "loctite" brand in the water and have no problem. Although sometimes you get the string-ee effect.
  9. rushprop

    240g in wall shallow reef build

    Originally Posted by jpa0741 I'm not the only one that drinks it. Watch this I almost barfed just watching that video. Pretty cool rockwork on the tank though.
  10. rushprop

    FishyGurl's 125G Tank Diary!!! =)

    Cant wait to see some pics.
  11. rushprop

    240g in wall shallow reef build

    Originally Posted by morval i hope u were just giving visuals on ur skimate and dont really save it in a milk jug This would be a good time for a "throw up" smiley guy.
  12. rushprop

    Figuring out how much electricity your tank uses?

    If the mag is 10% of your bill, then i would guess the rest of the tank is the other 90%. Better start erecting your windmill now.
  13. rushprop

    LED panel from LED wholesalers.....

    The fixture looks kinda cheezy. Too bad, seems like a solid idea, but total bummer when it arrived. Keep us posted on how it turns out. The least they could do is put it in a nice looking housing, im sure it wasnt cheap and a sweet housing is costing them probably $5more.
  14. rushprop

    swimming worm?

    Not sure. I googled the epitoke and my worm really doesnt look anything like those. Also it seemed like they were saying that this worm stays very very small, 1mm. where my worm is more like an inch. hmmm..... anybody know any way to catch/lure a worm into a trap? thanks everyone.
  15. rushprop

    240g in wall shallow reef build

    Originally Posted by Coral Keeper I'm not trying to be rude here, but your fuge looks like its got throw up in there. LOL I was thinking that same thing. Looks like a saturday morning after a long night out. love your setup, and since you didnt answer me before. What happend to the deep...
  16. rushprop

    11mo update on my 125g

    Tank looks good. +1 on the background. I think it would really make your corals stand out, probably more than the blinds would. I used black felt on my 180 after it was up, alot easier than trying to use that plastic sheeting.
  17. rushprop

    pics of 125 sps tank

    always interested in seeing nice tanks, lets see some pics.
  18. rushprop

    What are these?

    They are usually good. But I dont know if the "too much of a good thing" rule applies here. Or maybe you just have alot out because there is nothing to keep them in hiding. maybe someone else with more experience wants to weigh in here.
  19. rushprop

    lr set up

    I think its mostly personal preference, but you also have to factor in stability. personally I think your tank looks pretty sharp, but you have alot of rocks on there that look like they are itching to take a tumble. especially if you get some diggers in there. better off to make sure its...
  20. rushprop

    What are these?

    looks kinda large for peppermint shrimp. from what i have heard and own experience, if its too big the shrimp cant take it down. Ihave one large one that I have tried twice to kill with syringe and boiling water to no availe. Just ordered some joes juice. Although yours seems to be quite...