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  1. reefreak29

    Nope. Not Torture.

    idk i had a disableing injury till i could get surgery , work comp took almost a year to approve it resulting in permanent damage . is that torture? i would have rather benn water boarded for 6 seconds
  2. reefreak29

    We "had" a Christmas pics thread...

    heres a couple
  3. reefreak29

    Government Health Insurance

    lol, I went on this when i was on work comp. One of the nurses actually asked me if medical profesionals treat me like crap now because im on it, she hit the nail right on the head. welcome to the world of medicaid
  4. reefreak29

    anyone use facebook?

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I need some new facebook friends! I started a SWF group with a picture of my old sailfin. Join it! how do i join, i need a name
  5. reefreak29

    anyone use facebook?

    Originally Posted by DragonZim I really dont see it as an old people vs young people thing. Through Facebook I recently got back in touch with a whole crowd of people that I havent seen in the 16 years since I graduated high school. We all got together at a bar a few weeks ago and had a great...
  6. reefreak29

    anyone use facebook?

    Originally Posted by Mimzy i use it incessantly, but i've got my privacy settings set so no one can find me unless i friend them first oh nice
  7. reefreak29

    anyone use facebook?

    I just sighned up yesterday thought it was pretty cool
  8. reefreak29

    Sea tick, Eggs, and Worm??

    the spiders are pretty rare , if you dont have zoas they are of no threat
  9. reefreak29

    Sea tick, Eggs, and Worm??

    you have a zoa eating sea spider there get rid of it. the worm is fine
  10. reefreak29

    do you live in Illinois

    Originally Posted by dazed2040 I graduated in 98 so I probably wouldn't know her. last name pinto, she had a younger sis also
  11. reefreak29

    Eggs? and Starfish ID

    +1 on both
  12. reefreak29

    Help with teenager

    you know what , reading that described how I was when I was a teen, I had only a few friends ,hated school,blah blah blah...I ended up droping out at 16 got a ghd , got a degree and make 6 figures. im sure all will work out.
  13. reefreak29

    do you live in Illinois

    Originally Posted by dazed2040 what year did she graduate? 1996
  14. reefreak29

    what is the worst injury you have ever had?

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight So that's what the inside of a football looks like, very interesting lol
  15. reefreak29

    Find more mistakes!!!

    threads 3 current active 179 , 409 members and 1400 guests
  16. reefreak29

    Favorite NES games?

    I still have mine mike tyson punch out mario 1,3 contra duoble dragon metroid
  17. reefreak29

    do you live in Illinois

    Originally Posted by dazed2040 I grew up in Elmhurst,IL but i live in Florida now. It makes the hobby much easier! my wife went to york. shes about your age
  18. reefreak29

    do you live in Illinois

    grew up in bensenville, live in geneva
  19. reefreak29

    Obama is the president elect Please use this thread to talk about and discuss it

    Originally Posted by bionicarm Can we fianlly put the Ayers/Obama controversy to rest? 'The Man' himself has spoken... AND YOU BELIEVE ALL THAT HUH I think someone is going to get stabbed with a poison dart if ya know what I mean
  20. reefreak29

    what is the worst injury you have ever had?

    Originally Posted by Mimzy reef. that's really harsh. lol sorry