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  1. nahern

    pistle shrimp

    can you have two PS in one tank, 55 gal, with one gobie
  2. nahern

    Metal Halide Question

    will 70 watt sunpod fit my 14 biocube? thanks for the last response "D", no baby yet.
  3. nahern

    DeMartini's 8 gallon BioCube

    after seeing your 12 g , i went to work on my biocube. it has come a long way thanks to you. my husband has a 45 g , i have a 14 biocube in my grandsons room, (due any day now). now my husband and i are in competion. will aend pic's soon.
  4. nahern

    Thoughts on Sally light foots

    we have slf in a 45 tank, she has grown to a large size. we cant keep peppermint shrimp we keep finding sally having a feast. every time we loose something we blame her. we are missing an emerald, an anom. crab. she is fast and would not know how to catch her, i would like to take her out.
  5. nahern

    White anemone with purple tips, help !

    what is metal halides, i have bio-cube
  6. nahern

    White anemone with purple tips, help !

    Just purchaced this cutie, it attached itself quickly for three days. But, now he is floating around like a tumble weed. Is he OK !
  7. nahern

    choc. chip starfish

    i have a pistol shrimp, bubble anom. will star fish bother it
  8. nahern

    Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown

    oh boy that is disappointing, that wont work , lfs said yes. what do they know, just selling
  9. nahern

    Yellow Stripe Maroon Clown

    I have a 14 Bio Cube with a watchman, pistol, snails, emerald crabs, & snails. I would like to get a female and male maroon clown fish, with anemone. Will work in this tank?
  10. nahern

    Can I leave my UV light on over night ?

    How long in the daytime should I leave the white light on, and how long can I leave the purple light on. Do the fish, PJ, Nemo, Angel, Yellow clown Gobie, and inverts needs any complete darkness?
  11. nahern

    My filter is blowing out food particals

    I am doing water changes and cleaning filter every two weeks, and I am still getting food particals blowing into my clean 44 gallon tank.
  12. nahern

    Anemone taken over by white crab

    We put anemone in for the clown, but it didn't pay any attention to it. But, boy did my porcelian crab go for it, hasn't left it since. Would love to get one the the clown would host in.
  13. nahern

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    That makes sense! I guess the "bugs" will like the LR better, too. I can't wait to make the change.
  14. nahern

    DeMartini's 14G BioCube

    I love looking at your pictures. I also have a 14 bio cube and was wonder why you changed the bio-balls to LR. I looked into mine today and saw some funny looking bugs, should I be cleaning them. Is this a bad thing. I don't like the charcoal filter pad either. It seems to get dirty fast...
  15. nahern

    Another yellow gobie not doing well

    Thank you so much for you time, this is all new to my husband and I.
  16. nahern

    Another yellow gobie not doing well

    I have a new yellow gobie, third one, it now have white spots and is running around like it wants to jump tank! I have a four wheel drive, pistol shimp, whatchman, hermits, two emeralds w/baby, in a 14gal bio cube Thanks for your help
  17. nahern

    Is this Cyano bacteria?

    My xenia looks all closed up. How do I get to look good
  18. nahern

    Pink stuff on my live sand

    In several area's of my tank I have pink patches. Is this good or bad and what should I do with it?
  19. nahern

    Have not seen my watchman gobie in weeks

    The last time he went in hiding my husband bought a new one. Shortly after he put in the tank the other gobie showed mad. We were able to get the new one out. Now he is missing again, by husband is sure he is dead. Do we get another watchman and get fooled again?