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  1. greentherapy


    Ok, figured out what they are. Lots of back and forth taxonomy but when it comes down to it they are sponge and soft coral eaters! so I will be trying to figure out how to kill them off at this point. Oh and the lps here in boise, Tang is located way...
  2. greentherapy


    Hi there, A few weeks back I saw the same thing in my tank. Started off as one now I see a couple dozen and egg sacks. Finally found what they are today, and it's a bad thing apparently Here's the link for what I found.
  3. greentherapy


    Speg- No your a great help. I have been watching them. I counted probably 10 of them when I moved the rock around and saw 2 egg sacks. So i'm really hoping they didn't kill the coral but are just taking advantage of the 'extra food'. Since it seems that now it might be hard to rid the tank of...
  4. greentherapy


    About a month ago I purchased a small amount of live rock from my local store. I believe it's from the Caribbean. It wasn't like the normal almost lifeless 'live rock' you usually see around. It's caked with coralline, feathers, soft corals. Even came with a few invertebrates. It's crazy stuff...