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  1. jmarler

    sudden death!!!

    I waited two weeks before I add fish. I check the levels constantly. Especially before I decide to purchase new fish. The rust suddenly appeared on the sides of the Tang. It just appeared. And before I could even think of what to do the Tang was gone and started the crash of the tank. Out...
  2. jmarler

    sudden death!!!

    The yellow Tang had a sort of (rust??) colored spots that suddenly appeared and started killing them ang the others as well. The other fish were already in the tank. I acquired the tank and fish from a friend. The Tangs were the only new additions to the tank. Well now out of all the fish I...
  3. jmarler

    sudden death!!!

    I noticed yesterday my yellow tang had some orange or brown on the body and fins. Later my clowns died and soon followed the tangs and damsels. Water levels were tested and everything was fine before they stareted to croak. I now have no fish and am wondering what has gone wrong. I have had...
  4. jmarler


    Thanx. I am just a little worried. This is the first time that I have had a saltwater tank. Well they have began to eat, but are still swimming crazy. How big do they have to be to want to mate? These guys are fairly small.
  5. jmarler


    I just bought two Percula clowns yesterday. Brought them home nad they ate fine. A few hours later the smaller of the two started swimming crazy the other soon followed. My water levels are fine. They have made it throught the night but still are not eating. Does anyone have any...