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  1. zabrazuma

    Morish Idol

    Hi, I have a 125 G marine tank, with : 1 large yellow zabrazuma 1 large bi-color angel 2 medium/large percula 2 medium cardinal I'd like to try to add a couple of morish idol's. I now that those are difficult fish to keep and feed. I'd like to know from any one who hed success with this fish ...
  2. zabrazuma

    Population of a 100g tank

    Hi, I started a new 100g tank 2 month ago, this tank is going to be a fish only tank. I wold like to hear your opinion about the population i want to have. 1. one medium blue face triger 2. one medium niger triger 3. one small hippo tang 4. one medium-large yellow zabrazuma 5. two small-medium...
  3. zabrazuma

    Does anyone have pics of their trigger

    Hi gs98cobra , How do you clown and the shrimp get together ? I have a clown & i'm afriad to insert a cleaner shrimp into the tank !
  4. zabrazuma

    Add 1 last fish to tank

    Hi, I have a 33g fish only tank (that is running for 3 years now) with the following population: 1. Clown trigger 1. Niger triger 1. Scopas 1. Bodineus (I hope i have no spelling mistakes here) I want to add 1 last fish & i'd like it to be some kind of an Angel. What do you guys recommend (that...
  5. zabrazuma

    Star fish

    Well in my tank i have 1 niger, 1 bursa & 1 clown 1 scopas tang.
  6. zabrazuma

    Star fish

    Hi, Is it possible to add a star fish to trigger fish tank ????:help:
  7. zabrazuma

    Trigger fish tank

    What i ment was that i allready have a trigger fish tank with niger, bursa and clown. i want to know if it is possible to insert a xenia frag to this tank.
  8. zabrazuma

    Trigger fish tank

    What is a Blue throat :confused:
  9. zabrazuma

    Whats in your 55 gal tank?

    I have a 33G tank that till recently was a reef, now i have 2 little chromis 1 Scopas tang 1 Niger trigger 1 Bursa triger 1 Clown trigger Photos at:
  10. zabrazuma

    Trigger fish tank

    Hi, Are there any soft corals that can be kept in a trigger fish tank ?????? (i wand to add a small xenia frag if it possible)
  11. zabrazuma

    White spots

    Hi, 1 week ago i inserted a medium size hippo tang to my tank that include a yellow tang, marron, diadema, some damesells and invertebrates. 2 days ago i notice withe spots on the hippo tang, as i understand it is normal for those fish to catch a disease, The fish is picking on the rocks, i...
  12. zabrazuma

    Warm fan

    Thanks for the response. I can see the 'Feather dusters' head stuck on one of the rocks, but the tube was empty . will it grow a new tube ? or it's dead??? Thanks.
  13. zabrazuma

    Warm fan

    Hi , Last friday i put a fan warm in my tank. today i saw that the warm's flower was off & latter i couldn't see him (i guess sombody eat it) and there is some mucous at the top of the tube. is that mean that the warm is dead?