Search results

  1. minex

    Live Rock in Fresh Water

    I've decided to tear down my 55 gallon salt water tank. For some reason, I've never been able to get it to work as good as my fresh water tank. Anyway, I'm about to donate the living organisms and coral to a local fish store. However, does anyone have any comments on whether moving the live...
  2. minex

    Algae Problems

    For some reason, my tank grows algae like there's no tommorrow. I currently have a mixture of hairy green algae and purple algae. Unfortunately, the green algae is everywhere. Its growing on the rocks, sand, glass, heater, and even on the crabs shells. I've attempted to address the issue a...
  3. minex

    What is this?

    This was originally posted on Jeo's 6 pack of 0.75 pictures : I've had mine setup for about a week and saw this thing crawling around. I never added it. What is it? Should I be concerned?
  4. minex

    Seaclone 100

    ok, I went cheap, I admit it. I recieved my Seaclone 100 last night and installed it as an in-sump skimmer. The thing works great... I mean it works great in creating thousands of micro-bubbles that float around my tank. If I have the air nozzle completely closed, I get no bubbles in the...
  5. minex

    Sump to Refugium Diagrams -- Input Requested

    So I decided to convert my wet/dry filter into a refugium. I read through many hours of threads and looked at some real refugium units (which cost around $200, I might add). My tank is a 55 gallon tank (6 weeks old) with 56 pounds of live rock. My wet/dry filter...
  6. minex

    Nitrate Levels

    Bah, I've had my salt water aquarium for exactly 6 weeks now. I've always had issues with Nitrate levels in my fresh water aquarium, but its not as harmful in freshwater as it is in a reef tank. 4 weeks ago, I had about 5 PPM of Nitrate. 2 weeks ago, it moved up to 10 PPM. I checked it this...
  7. minex

    Florida Condi Anemone

    Great board guys! So far, I think I've asked more questions than answering. :) Anyway, I purchased a Florida Condi Anemone about one week ago. This thing took almost two days to "recover". After three days, the thing started to look fine :
  8. minex

    Tips in Taking Pictures

    Does anyone out there have tips in taking pictures of your aquarium? I tried taking several with my digital camera last night and most of them didn't turn out well. If you use a flash, you generally get a reflection in the glass. If you don't use a flash, the picture can come out blurry...
  9. minex

    To Skim or Not To Skim

    Great site. I'm rather new to saltwater aquarium's. I just started my first 55 gallon about a month ago. So I've heard mixed results on getting a protein skimmer. One store said that they are not needed. Another said that they are somewhat necessary. What do you guys think?