Can someone give me some info on this fish? I saw one in a shop and i put it on hold cause i had to go somewhere and the shop was closed when I left that place. I saw it was eating and was free of disese. Will it get along in a 125 with
1.V. Lion
2.Picasso Trigger
3.Pinktail Trigger
I am maybe thinking about a shark pond in the next couple months. How big of a tank is needed for
1. Bamboo Shark
2. Epulette(Sp?)Shark
3. Ray Of some Kind
I would prefer dimentions instead of size in gallons.
1.Pinktail Trigger
2.Picasso Trigger
3.Snowflake Eel
4.Yellow Tang
5.Rock Beuty Angel
6.Volitan Lion
7.Zebra Moray
8.Dragon Wrasse
Before Anyone gets exited over keeping triggers with lions I bought my triggers from people who kept them with lions for about 8 months. I have everything now...
Can some people give me some info on these fish? Will it get along with a sfe, a pinktail trigger, a picassotrigger, a volitan lion, and a yellow tang in a 180 gallon?
with a blue-headed wrasse, a pink-tail triggerfish, a volitan lion, a yellow tang, and a snow-flake eel? I have read up that pink-tail triggers are actually reef safe, but not with shrimp. Are corals safe for this tank?
My mother and I were debating weather to get a lion or a puffer and we decided to get a lion. Its acclimating right now. Its very small(4 inches). I figured my trigger would be safe cause it was housed with a lion before I bought it(the trigger was housed with a lion). I think I like this fish...
I have seen one at my LFS that I have been intrested in for a while. Come someone tell me some info on them?
1. Min. Size Tank?
2. Will they mix well with other eels?
3. How mean are they?
4. Will they get along with a yellow tang, a pt trigger, a blue head wrasse, and a sf eel?
Well, I woke up and the ick seems to be going away. All my fish are eating as usual. I moved my eel and LR back into the tank and its doing fine too. I was worried cause eels have no scales. Do you think maybe my yellow tang may be the cause of the ick?
I woke up this morning to find out my beloved pink-tail trigger has ick I put in a medication called organi-cure. I removed my eel and all my LR and put it in a 25 gallon tank and left everything else in there. My trigger is still active and eating but it has been scratching aigainst the filter...