Search results

  1. sharksbait

    Kansas city-36 gallon corner bowfront for sale

    i have a 36 gallon corner bowfront that includes tank,stand and canopy for $150O.B.O..I bought this tank a little over a year ago and had one of the back panels drilled for a 1 1/2" bulkhead.I smacked the bulkhead while moving it and cracked the back of it from the hole to the corner(about 2...
  2. sharksbait

    Missouri....6x2 oak canopy for sale

    I have a custom built oak canopy off of my 220 that I am selling.It is 6 foot long,2 feet wide and the inside tank to bottom of top is 12 inches.It will fit 180,210,220 and will fit a 6 foot 125 but will hang over back 6 inches.$150O.B.O..Here are some pics...
  3. sharksbait

    Sea Apple for sale or trade in Missouri

    I have a sea apple about 2.5 inches diameter that I would like to get rid of.Coral or fish trades preferred or make me a $ offer.Will not ship............
  4. sharksbait

    feeding elasmobranchs silversides?

    I read somewhere that feeding sharks silversides was a definate no no, but I can't remember why or where I read it.Has anyone else heard this?I've seen alot of people that feed silversides so I was wondering if it was true.
  5. sharksbait

    sharks wanted........

    Looking for some whitespotted or gray bamboo sharks.Anyone know where I could find them?
  6. sharksbait

    Octopus.....mother to be.....

    Anybody have any experience with rearing octo-babies.Was wondering if after they hatch should I leave them in with mommy or take them out and put them in a tank by themselves?