Search results

  1. lexus9903

    Looking to buy Metal Halides!!!!!!!

    ANyone have any metal halide fixtures that they want to sell? If so please email info on them and the asking price.. Also, I lve in Alaska so you'd probally have to be willing to ship! :D Email if you have some stuff!
  2. lexus9903

    Any Folks from Alaska???

    Any other Alaskans out there???? :thinking:
  3. lexus9903

    Cleaner Shrimp Breeding

    We have 2 cleaner shrimp in our 55 gal reef tank. For probally about the past 2 weeks weve noticed that they both had a belly full of eggs. They seemed to tend to them by flipping them and such ever since we noticed this. However, last night, one of the shrimp released about 200+ baby shrimp...
  4. lexus9903

    Cleaner Shrimp Breeding

    We have 2 cleaner shrimp in our 55 gal reef tank. For probally about the past 2 weeks weve noticed that they both had a belly full of eggs. They seemed to tend to them by flipping them and such ever since we noticed this. However, last night, one of the shrimp released about 200+ baby shrimp...
  5. lexus9903

    90Gallon Tall For sale in Alaska!

    Selling a 90 gallon tall aquarium in Wasilla Alaska (about 1 hour north of Anchorage) Tank is for PIck up only. Comes with a stand and a hood. Asking $400 OBO but will consider partial trade on a larger tank. Tank must go! call 907.373.7370 or Email if you are interested...
  6. lexus9903

    Wanted! Tanks?supplies In Alaska!

    Looking for tanks and supplies here in Alaska. Im about 1 hour away from Anchorage and am willing to pick up, (within reason!) ESPECIALLY looking for a 125ish gallon tank! (thats reasonably priced, some people are stupid up here when it comes to pricing their stuff!!!!!) Let mw know if anyone is...