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  1. sinful

    Anyone using biocube skimmer that modded chamber for greater flow?

    I purchased the biocube skimmer recently and have it running, but I think I might have a small problem. A long time ago I cut the piece off the first chamber to allow for greater flow and now I think that's where the biocube skimmer was supposed to clip to. I now have to clip it to the lower...
  2. sinful

    what corals can I keep now with biocube 3.24 upgrade?

    just added the 3.24 upgrade for the biocube(50/50) and a skimmer to my 14biocube. with 1.5yr old bulbs I had zoo's/yumas/xenia doing very well. Will the upgrade and bulb replacement including skimmer allow me to keep more light heavy corals? possibly a torch or sps?
  3. sinful

    14g biocube, had it about year and half..change bulbs?

    I never thought I needed to change the bulbs if they were still comming on. stupid me I guess huh? well, what does changing the bulbs do and should I change them after a year and a half(year and 3/4 really)
  4. sinful

    problems with oceanic biocube skimmer?

    before I follow in the same path as I did with the fission skimmer, I figured I would get ya'lls suggestions and concerns with the biocube skimmer. Is it worth it?
  5. sinful

    pics of week old nano

    have a total of about 15lbs of LR and 15lbs of sand(guessing). no livestock yet, I bought the rock cured(kinda) but it still needed to cycle. So I'm just waiting it out now before I add any kind of livestock. Do ya'll think this is to much rock? I wanted alot but think I might have gotten to...
  6. sinful

    WTB 5lbs live rock and some live rock rubble

    would need to be shipped or can be picked up in tampa area. Would prefer alot of life and small pieces
  7. sinful

    can you use freshwater test kit?

    If your only testing for ammonia, PH, nitrite and nitrate you should be able to use a freshwater kit I would think right?
  8. sinful

    How does a surface skimmer work?

    I'm not sure I get the concept of the surface skimmer. I have a 14 biocube and considering doing the cassette case mod, but not really sure what it will accomplish? If someone could explain this to me that would be great, thanks!
  9. sinful

    wtb 5-10lbs of live rock

    I'm starting a nano and would like to buy 5-10lbs of good LR, some lr rubble would be good aswell for the 2nd chamber. I would prefer the LR be several pieces...Please email or pm me if your willing to sell and ship. My zip is 33637, email is
  10. sinful

    dead corals/base rock turn to live rock?

    whats up everyone? I use dead corals and dead used to be live rock for my cichlid tank and was wondering if they would turn live again if real live rock was used. Basicaly if I started a saltwater tank and added say 60lbs of live rock to my 60lbs of dead corals/dead rock would it turn it and...
  11. sinful

    wtb standard 48" light strip, low watts

    I know alot of ya'll have these that came with your tank and you'll never use so hit me up at Doesn't have to include bulb, and could either be 1 48" or 2 24"s. Thanks for looking. Also, would be needing them shipped to 33637 or I can pick up in the Tampa area.
  12. sinful

    Anyone have glass/acrylic top for a 75g tank 48" for sale?

    I know most people woudln't use them for their saltwater tanks so I figured I would see if there was anyone selling, thanks. can email me at
  13. sinful

    buying emperor 400

    would like to buy an emperor 400 shipped to 33637. Please email at if you have one for sale.
  14. sinful

    anyone looking to sell 24g nano?
  15. sinful

    looking for (cheap) saltwater setup (tampa area)

    I live in Tampa area and looking for a complete system. I haven't decided on tank size yet, just looking to start piecing together a tank. you can send emails on what you got and what you want for it to
  16. sinful

    How much more time/money is saltwater compared to fresh?

    I'm getting a 60 gal tank today and can't really make up my mind which way I want to go with it. I really really want it to be saltwater but I just dont think I have the time to learn and manage a saltwater tank. I'll be in college this fall. So my questions to ya'll are...1. Just how much...
  17. sinful

    WTB tank in Central FL or Tampa area

    Looking to get started on a salt water tank. I'm new to this and really dont know exactly what I need so any help would be great. I'm thinking around a 55g tank or so and would love to get one ready for fish, rock or whatever without the 6 week wait. Can email me at