Search results

  1. lawnguy

    Last Fish

    I have a 155 Bowfront, it been up for 1 year..I am looking for my last fish.. 1 Unicorn Tang 1 Yellow Tang 1 Sailfin Tang 1 Scopas Tang 1 Purple Tang 1 Foxface 1 Royalgrama 1 Sixline Wrasse 3 chromis 3 CC Starfish 1 Brittle Star I was thinking about a Trigger fish, any ideas?
  2. lawnguy

    Fish for my 155 Bowfront

    Hi I am looking to get a few more fish for my 155 Bowfront, its a fish only tank. Here is what I have now, yes the tank is all cycled. Tank is 6 months old.. 4 -Tangs Yellow Purple Scopas Sailfin Coral Beauty 2 Fire fish Lawnmower Blenny Brittle Star Also a Cleaner Shrimp Many snails and crabs...
  3. lawnguy

    155 BowFront fish list

    Hi I am looking for some ideas on fish for my tank. Here is what I have now.. 1 scopas tang 1 sailfin tang 1 maroon clow 3 yellow tail damsels 1 algea blemmy snails and crabs I also have a smaller tank with a yellow tang and purple tang, they will be going in the 155 at thee very end. I need...
  4. lawnguy

    155 BowFront fish list

    Hi I am looking for some ideas on new fish for the tank, yes it cycled and doing fine. Here is what I have now... 1 Scopas Tang 1 Sailfin Tang 1 Algea Blemmy 3 Yellow Tailed Damsels 1 Marroon clown snails and crabs I also have a smaller tank with a purple tang and yellow tang, they will be going...
  5. lawnguy

    Lava Rock????

    I need some help here!!! I have a 155 bowfront, I have plenty of liverock, but I have a bunch of lava rock, that I had for a other tank.... Can I put the lava rock in my saltwater tank??? I just wanna do this so the fish have more places to go.. The pet shop said it was ok??
  6. lawnguy

    crushed coral turning brown??

    I have a 155 bow front, it been up for 3 week and now the crushed coral is turning brown :help:
  7. lawnguy

    Sponge in the sump????

    Does putting a sponge in the sump,help cycle the tank???
  8. lawnguy

    Acrylic Tanks?????

    I am looking for info on Acrylic tanks. I have a buddy that wants to sell me his 185 gal with a built in sump for a good price
  9. lawnguy

    Eels and ich HELP

    I have a snowflake eel, I have a newer tank, I make the mistake and added to many fish too fast, they all died all but my eel, it looked like my fish had white spots, but the pet shop said it was from stress. Can eel get ich?? or can they host ich?? All i have in my 90 gal now is live rock, live...
  10. lawnguy

    Need Help Real Bad!!!!!!!!

    I have a 90 gal,its been running for 2 months. I made a mistake before and put in too many fish at one time, they all died except for the snowflake eel, cc starfish 2 aneomes and several snail and crabs. I run a marineland 400 and a ehiem pro, also a seaclone skimmer.I have 50lbs of live rock...
  11. lawnguy

    Power heads?????

    Hey I have my 90 gal with a ehiem pro, also a marineland 400 HOB, and a seaclone skimmer.. Should I put in a powerhead??? I made the mistake before and put in too many fish, and they all died all but my snowlake eel, his is doing fine, now i got my water where it should be
  12. lawnguy

    Looking for live rock in CT...

    I am looking for some live rock to buy... I live in East Windsor CT
  13. lawnguy

    New Tank. I NEED YOUR HELP!!!

    :help: I just bought a tank from my buddie, its a 125gal with 2 fluval 404s. I have my 90 gal, I plan on moving all my sand and live rock to the new tank this weekend. I have about 70lbs of live rock, I have to buy more. I cant afford to buy a wet dry system right now. I am wondering if these...
  14. lawnguy

    I Need Some Advise

    I have a 90 gal now, abd I am looking to upgrade, so I found a 125 gal from a buudy, he has 2 fluval 404 filter. Iwill be put my sand and live rock in the tank.I was wondering if the fluvals will take care of the 125gal
  15. lawnguy

    fluval 404 filters

    I have 90 gal, but I wanna upgrade to a 125, will 2 fluval 404 work,
  16. lawnguy

    My tank crashed!!!!

    Hi I have a 90 gal tank, with a ehiem pro filter also a marineland 400, and a skimmer. I had a Yellow Tang, Hippo Tang, Clown fish and damsels. and a SnowFlake eel..The Tang was attcking all the fish, all the fish died all but the eel. I noticed that the fish had white spots on them, it looked...