Search results

  1. hotwingz

    What and how often to feed my chocolate chip starfish

    Through some reading I was able to find out that he eats, dead snails, shrimp, fish, so on and so on. So I gave him a small piece of thawed frozen fish, he opened up got super excited and ate it up! I gave him another small piece tonight and I didn't see the same reaction, he opened up but...
  2. hotwingz

    29g stocking ideas

    Ok so my new 29g is up and running. Water conditions are all right on the money. Ok to the meat and potatoes. I currently have in there now, a chocolate chip starfish, a neon dottyback, a greend banded goby, and a the clean up crew. I have a cleaner shrimp and a couple hermits. What's a handfull...
  3. hotwingz

    29g first salt build

    Ok, so I have a 29g that I will setting up over the next couple days. I will be making the saltwater tonight. And tomorrow I'm getting the live sand and rocks from a friend. Current set up. I have a Marineland Penguin 350 power filter, and I have a single bright Marineland LED. I do have a dual...
  4. hotwingz

    New to forum and Saltwater

    Hey everyone, I am about to set up my first water tank in a couple days. I currently have 7 FW setups. One will be the SW tank. I keep a lot of cichlids, and have a heavy planted community tank. So I do have plenty of experience, and won't need the noob explanations lol (most of them) there may...