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  1. dandydan9

    Israel - Eilat Underwater Observatory

    If you ever have the chance to travel to Israel, don't miss the beautiful Underwater Observatory in Eilat. No filtration of any kind, pure sea water constant changes. These pics are from their tanks. Too difficult to get quality pics from the underwater observatory.
  2. dandydan9

    Power Outage

    How long after a power outage is it still safe to restart a wet/dry trickle filter? It is the type of filter that sits above the tank, the powerhead disperses water across the top of the filter medium and, through small holes at the bottom, the water trickles back into the tank. Are there any...
  3. dandydan9

    High Nitrites

    I'm having difficulty cycling my tank. While the Ammonia level has dropped to zero, the Nitrites are remaining at or over 5.0 ppm for four plus weeks now. I used some fish food to begin the cycling about five weeks ago and haven't done anything else except one 20% water change two weeks ago. The...