Search results

  1. bayside

    Aneheim Ducks (i mean aneheim chickens)

    if any body hasnt seen or heard about the minn wild vs aneheim ducks you should check out what happened. first scrum that happened second scrum and cheap shot by brad may that seriously injured Kim Johnnsen...
  2. bayside

    all things NFL Draft

    so its 11 days away so i think its fair to start talking bout it. feel free to give mock drafts, discuss trades, talk about potentional hall of famers/busts, or anything else nfl draft. ill start with a mock of the first 10 picks with no trades just as how the teams stand now. OAK-- Calvin...
  3. bayside

    duck hunting season starts tonite in orange county

    yep thats right the NHL playoffs start tonite and my wild will be hunting some duckies!!!! bestest time of the year esspecially when your team is in it. ya wooo!!!!!
  4. bayside

    YA Woo... baseball season starts!!!!!

    I love the beginning of baseball season, everyones team still has a chance and everyone is happy and critical of everyone elses teams. so with that said lets keep it civil. i just want to know who everyones fav team is and how you think your team will do and any predictions on division winners...
  5. bayside

    reptile people help please

    i am wanting to start a reptile tank and wanted to get your input on what i should get and what would be best for me because i am a beginner and my only experience with reptiles is that my roommate in college had a bearded dragon. right now im sorta trying to decide between a crested gecko or...
  6. bayside

    Hey De Bayside CD what u think??

    just got it, not sure what to think bout it. sounds a little more popish sounding so i dont know i just dont want them to turn into the next big sell outs. then id have to remove my entry way painting and have to end up getting my arms sleeved (which i want to do anyway) but overall i think i...
  7. bayside

    Need a name for my new kitty

    So i just got a new cat, well i didnt but my gf did and guess what it gets to stay at my house , funny how that works huh. Anyway i have a puppy named Gwazdecky all ready so i need a name for his new friend. It is a boy cat so i was thinkin between these 3; Ahnry, Illya, or Ziggi. What you all...
  8. bayside

    anyone heard of this???

    k this sounded wierd to me but i dont keep anenomies but my friend swears that his pink tip haitian anenome ate his flame angel. he said he looked all around the tank, filters, plumbing and he has no aggressive fish (yellow tang, clowns, goby) he has looked through his rock work and no sight of...
  9. bayside

    Drunken end of the night songs

    so i was just thinking about this the other day. Everytime me and my friends all get together at the end of the nite we always play one of two songs and everyone sings along (sorta, considering everyones state). so i was just wondering if you all do this too and what songs you guys sing. feel...
  10. bayside

    Signs of Leakage?

    what are the signs of a tank leaking, beside the obvious actually see it dripping out, i just got a aquapod 12g and im running just tap water thru it right now to look for leakage. any body know of any precurser signs?
  11. bayside

    done with my 46 now to nano

    hello everyone, i am new to this site. i have a 46gal bow front with 82 lbs of rock and some nice pieces of coral and a few fish but my manderin is my fav. Ive had it for 2 years now. but now i decided to get into the nano craze because i cant really do anything with my other tank anymore haha...