it's been awhile since i been on this site i would like to know if anybody still trade or sell corals i am getting back into the saltwater tank...what happened to the hidden reef did it ever opened up again if so where is it located...
i have a 6 gallon nano cube with 150 watt mh light...nitrite,ph,ammonia,nitrate are all good just not getting any growth from my coral's can anybody help me with this
i have mushrooms for trade in philly area...i will trade for soft or hard are some pics..
1st one is spotted mushroom
2nd one is watermelon mushroom
whats the difference with metal halide lights and halogen lights...they both have the same type of light bulb and watts...can i buy a halogen light and put a metal halide light bulb
I got some zoo frags yesterday i acclimate them and put them in my tank. Today i turned on the lights this morrning and right now it is 7:08 pm and they still have not yet open
I just got some zoo frags how do i acclimate them. On this site it says to temperature acclimate if that is the way i should do it what do i do just put the bag with the zoos in the water for about an hour.