Search results

  1. slowburn22

    Beth, lymphocystis?

    Attached are some pictures of my coral beauty. She currently resides in a 29 gallon bowfront with a dwarf lion, and a scooter dragonet (there are also three small chromis as lion feeders). I tried time and time again to get better pics but failed miserably. She is the only one with this mess...
  2. slowburn22

    New Avatar

    Whines, moans or complaints?
  3. slowburn22

    Trouble with Fuzzy Dwarf

    Well I took the advice of some people on this board and went to the grocery store and bought shrimp, scallops and some ocean perch. Then I sent my wife to get a Nautilus feeding stick. I spent a loooooooooong time chopping it all up in managable pieces so I could freeze it and thaw when...
  4. slowburn22

    Yellow sponge? WTF?

    I have no idea what this is - unless its some kind of sponge...
  5. slowburn22

    I've got worms!!!

    This nasty looking thing pretty much comes out at night, but can be seen in caves during the day. It retracts in on itself much like an uncircumsized umm, nevermind. You get the idea. Thoughts?
  6. slowburn22

    Small white thing...

    Ok, this little guy likes to grow in dark areas of the tank and is popping up everywhere. It has a little "fan" that sticks out of the round body, but doesnt retract like a feather duster. Any ideas?
  7. slowburn22

    Green algae?

    I have no idea what this is, but my wife named it (edited by a shark)... Go figure... I have about 5-6 of them growing on one rock and would like to know a little more about it. Any ideas?
  8. slowburn22

    What size tank will be needed?

    Just curious what size tank will be required to house the following... What would you say would you think would be the smallest tank when they are juveniles, and then as adults? 6- Green Chromis 1- Coral Beauty Angel 1- Fuzzy Dwarf Lion 1- Firefish (will probably end up lion food) 1- Scooter...
  9. slowburn22

    Mini Aggressive Tank

    I've got a 28 gallon bowfront reef tank w/30 lbs live rock and about 30 lbs sand. As for filtration, I run an emperor 280 biowheel HOB with filter floss, and a filter medium cartridge. I usually add some carbon/phosphate remover here and there just for kicks in the cartridge. I skim it with an...
  10. slowburn22

    Little white feather dusters?

    Anyone know what these are? Little white things that look like mini feather dusters. They have tiny little straight tubes that come up off the LR, seem to multiply fairly quickly, and retract when bothered. I tried using boiling water on them and only a few died. Im 99% sure its not...
  11. slowburn22

    Fuzzy Dwarf Tankmates?

    Bought this little guy/gal down in Atlanta last week at The Fish Store and More in Buckhead. That was a great place. The managers there actually let me pick it up on Tuesday when they are normally closed for restocking... My question goes out to all the fuzzy dwarf owners on here. What do...
  12. slowburn22

    Eastern Carolina Corals

    Ok who wants to start this damn club so we can start trading and buying corals amongst ourselves??? Or maybe there is one and Im just unaware of it? Can someone please fill me in............ I'm in Jacksonville, NC but go as far south as Myrtle Beach/ Pawleys Island, SC some weekends.
  13. slowburn22

    Nano vs Remora 28 Bowfront

    I have a 28 gallon bowfront w/soft corals and Emperor 280 biowheel HOB filter as the only filtration. Im looking at getting an AquaC skimmer with the maxijet 900 or 1200 respectively. The nano is rated up to 25 gallon and the larger remora is rated up to 75 gallons. I know some say bigger is...
  14. slowburn22

    Peppermint Shrimp

    Ok, I've got a 28 bow front with a ton of tiny aptasia popping up on my live rock. I've got four types of mushrooms, four types of zoos, pulsing xenia, and green star polys as well. I didnt want to go crazy with boiling water or Joes Juice so I bought a female peppermint shrimp today laden...
  15. slowburn22

    T5 vs PC

    I have a crappy PC w/18W Power Glow and want to upgrade. These two are in my budget.... Thanks in advance. Can anyone tell me what would be a better lighting upgrade for soft corals, no anemones? 2x65 W Coralife Aqualight w/blue lunar 130W total 4x24 W Nova Extreme T5 w/blue lunar 96W total...
  16. slowburn22

    New equipment recommendation?

    I have a set-up issue on my hands. Its a 29 gal bow front tank w/20 lbs sand, 20 lbs live rock. I started with a junk HOB filter and bought a new Emperor 280 (280 gph). I hear flow rate should be around 20% turnover every hour. Looks like Im still only halfway there if thats the case. The...
  17. slowburn22

    Trying to find the right combo...

    I have a set-up issue on my hands. Its a 29 gal bow front tank w/20 lbs sand, 20 lbs live rock. I started with a junk HOB filter and bought a new Emperor 280 (280 gph). I hear flow rate should be around 20% turnover every hour. Looks like Im still only halfway there if thats the case. The...
  18. slowburn22

    Seahorse ID Help Anyone?

    Short and simple: the LFS sold me this fish as a hippocampus kuda, but I think it looks like a hippocampus kelloggi. Are they the same seahorse?
  19. slowburn22

    Crazy Little Worms!?!

    Can anyone tell me what in the world these little guys are??? Im guessing some type of worm but havent seen any around the threads. I placed a new piece of live rock in the tank and about 10 fell out and dug into the sand bed. Earlier when I was dusting my live rock with a snot sucker I...
  20. slowburn22

    Disaster in my new tank... Your thoughts?

    Ok here goes... Been in the freshwater hobby since I was eight so I am pushing 18 years now. Decided to set up my first salt tank and bought a 29 bow front with a little info from the local fish store about 2 months ago. I have about 20 lbs live rock with 10 lbs crushed coral and 10 lbs sand...