Search results

  1. ackdaddy

    90G setup for sale, moving Philly

    I am moving and must part with giving up my tank. I will not part out until all fish are gone! I live in Bensalem PA, right outside of philly Harlequin Tusk (aus) Yellow Tang lunare wrasse Humu Humu zebra eel I still have the receipts for all of the equipment, it was bought last september, so...
  2. ackdaddy

    90G full setup w/ fish moving sale philly

    I am moving and must part with giving up my tank. I will not part out until all fish are gone! I live in Bensalem PA, right outside of philly Harlequin Tusk (aus) Yellow Tang lunare wrasse Humu Humu zebra eel I still have the receipts for all of the equipment, it was bought last september, so...
  3. ackdaddy

    90 gallon setup for sale.....

    My loss is your gain, having problems with my X who i unfortunatley still live with, so i have to get rid of this before i move out. THE ONLY CONDITIONS ARE THAT IT HAS TO BE PICKED UP......I WILL NOT SHIP ANY THING. THE OTHER IS THAT THE LIVE ROCK LIVE SAND AND LIVESTOCK MUST GO FIRST! I am...
  4. ackdaddy

    Philly area 90G all must go......

    My loss is your gain, having problems with my X who i unfortunatley still live with, so i have to get rid of this before i move out. THE ONLY CONDITIONS ARE THAT IT HAS TO BE PICKED UP......I WILL NOT SHIP ANY THING. THE OTHER IS THAT THE LIVE ROCK LIVE SAND AND LIVESTOCK MUST GO FIRST! I am...
  5. ackdaddy

    What now.....

    First i lost a porcipine puffer to a bacterial disease now i think my zebra eel has something. He hasnt come out for a week so i moved some rocks around and he has a whit haze covering his face. all parameters are normal and i do a 15 gallon water change on my 90 gallon every week i am going...
  6. ackdaddy

    eel problems

    my zebra eel has not come out to eat in four days now. whenever i feed the tank he usually comes out, except for this week. i have had him for almost 2 months and he would eat eveyday. what is the deal, and what can i do?
  7. ackdaddy

    Please help me with my fish...

    Came home from work and my porcipine puffer was very pale. He is not eating and hidding. He has a large white area that covers his belly and extends up to his gill. By his gill the skin is turning black. some of the skin is peeling off.specs as follows... pH:8.4 ammonia:0 No2:0 No3:0 temp:79...
  8. ackdaddy

    Help! sick puffer

    Came home from work and my porcipine puffer was very pale. He is eating and swimming but lithargically. specs as follows... pH:8.4 ammonia:0 No2:0 No3:0 temp:79 sg 1.022 He is in a 90 gallon with small zebra morey, huma huma, lunar wrasse, yellow tang. The tank has some green hair alagea that...
  9. ackdaddy

    Help...Puffer is sick?

    Came home from work and my porcipine puffer was very pale. He is eating and swimming but lithargically. specs as follows... pH:8.4 ammonia:0 No2:0 No3:0 temp:79 sg 1.022 He is in a 90 gallon with small zebra morey, huma huma, lunar wrasse, yellow tang. The tank has some green hair alagea...
  10. ackdaddy

    eel shopping

    im am going to buy a zebra eel, but first i wanted to know what i should look for. i want to make sure he is heathy......if it is a he.
  11. ackdaddy

    algae everywhere

    my tank is at the end of its cycle and i have red algae everywhere. i do not have livestock yet and am planning an aggresive fowlr tank. i have turned off the lights for now but what else can i do cuz i was going to skip a cleaning crew cuz my new fish would eat them.
  12. ackdaddy

    The Final Cut.......

    its finnally that time for me to decide on my fish for my 90 gallon fowlr tank, and here it is. huma huma, harlequin tusk, 6 line wrasse, some type of puffer, and a zebra eel. what do ya think?
  13. ackdaddy

    cleanup crew and aggresive tanks.

    my 90 gallon is at the end of its cycle. i want to start an aggresive fowlr tank, but have leaned that eels, triggers, and puffers will eat snails, crabs, and shrimp. i do not want to give my fish an expensive first meal so what should i do as far as a cleanup crew goes?
  14. ackdaddy

    help me stock my 90 gal FOWLR!

    my tank is in the process of cycling and now it is time to start looking at fish. i was wondering if a huma huma and a zebra moray are thesable in my tank? anyway, please list all fish that i could put into my tank, or your own stock list in a 90 gallon setup.
  15. ackdaddy

    Any Rock in Philly?

    Anyone selling lr in philliy/south jersey area?
  16. ackdaddy

    opinions on sand or lr placement

    i put ls in my tank but the guy @ lfs told me to take it out and put in lr first? whatshould i do cuz i dont want to take the sand out.
  17. ackdaddy

    Live Rock In Pa/nj

    Im looking for uncured live rock in new jersey/PA area. Any help
  18. ackdaddy

    Quick help needed

    I just put all of my sand in the tank last night and it is still really cloudy. Should i have the sump and skimmer off during this process?
  19. ackdaddy

    Sump/skimmier on or off

    I just put all of my sand in the tank and it is really cloudy. Should i have the sump and skimmer off during this process?
  20. ackdaddy

    Sand and Rocks.....

    I just added the sand to my tank and was wondering how long it takes for the water to clear up? My tank is brand new so should i buy uncured for the tank instead of cured so the rock doesnt get messed up from the ammonia cycle? I know in an established tank you want to put cured but mine has...