Search results

  1. rkesling

    Curing live rock question

    I have a tank of rock that is starting to cure. Will adding a HOB refuge filled with Chaeto help the process at all? Most of my tanks are old and I never used anything but a heater, skimmer, and power heads to cure.
  2. rkesling

    WTB: HOB skimmer

    Let me know what you have and how much you want. Not looking for anything too fancy just something for curing live rock!
  3. rkesling

    WTB: 20: PC light for fuge

    I am looking for a 20" or so light for my fuge. Let me know what you have
  4. rkesling

    New tank set up HELP

    I am in no way new to SW. However all tanks that I have started have been from ground up using all new stuff. I am setting up another 20L to use pretty much as a frag tank. My question is really about the water. I'm using half (around 10 gallons) of new water and want to know if it is good to...
  5. rkesling

    WTB: AquaClear Filter

    I am looking to buy a clean AquaClear filter that you may have laying around. I prefer the 70 or the 100 (or the older versions of these). I am not worried about the top being there or the sponge inserts either. Just the unit itself and the working pump of course. Let em know what you have.
  6. rkesling

    HOB Aqua Fuge

    I am looking to BUY a hang on Fuge. Anyone have one they want to part with?
  7. rkesling

    Wtb: 30" Mh Or T5 Fixture...anyone

    As the title states...I am looking for a 30" MH or T5 fixture.
  8. rkesling

    WTB: 30" MH ot T5 light set up

    As the title states I am looking for a metal halide or T-5 set up for a 20 Long tank. 30" Thanks
  9. rkesling

    dark almost black "cloud" around some zoa's

    I picked up a few zoa frags from a local reefer. After a few days I noticed that some of them have closed up and are getting this black cloud type stuff on them. What is this stuff and is there a way to treat it? I've taken one of the frags out and knocked off some of the stuff but it seems to...
  10. rkesling

    Cupramine in a FOWLR

    Can I use Cupramine is a FOWLR tank? I have a fish that has a little ICH on him and need to cure it ASAP. My QT tank is not up and running anymore (long story ) Is there a better way to treat to preserve my live rock?
  11. rkesling

    Aquaclear Filter Refuge Mod???

    Has anyone modified a Aquaclear filter before to use as a refuge? I am thinking about it but could use some help. Anyone?
  12. rkesling

    WTB: JBJ Nano DX 12 Upgraded Hood

    I am looking for a upgraded hood (more light) for the JBJ Nano DX 12. I know I can get one new on another site but wanted to see if anyone was parting with one on here first Thanks
  13. rkesling

    Kent Marine AquaDose Delivery System

    (2) Brand NEW NEVER USED Kent Marine 1400 ml AquaDose Delivery Systems $30 for BOTH of them Description: The Kent AquaDose is the economical no mess solution to dosing your system. With its adjustable gravity drip system the AquaDose makes dosing your favorite Kent products no problem. Dose...
  14. rkesling

    BTA help please

    When I purchased my BTA it looked like this: and now it looks like this: Are my lights not strong enough? Do I need to feed it more. It loves Krill. Any suggestions? Thanks
  15. rkesling

    Lighting me NOT waste money

    I need a 48" fixture for a FOWLR tank. I have a few offers for: JBJ Formosa DX 4 x 65 PC used for $150 Current USA Orbit 4 x 65 used for $120 Nova Extreme T5 2 x 54 NEW for $110 Which one should I buy? thanks again in advance
  16. rkesling

    HELP!!! Good Deal or not????

    I am looking at getting a new light set up. This is what i have found: 48" 216W (4-54 watt) Quad T5 Fluorescent Light Fixture w/ 2x 54W T512000K bulb, 2x 54W T5Actinic Blue True 03 bulb, 4x Bluemoon Double LED ALL BULBS included This is a brand new unit in the box with 2 mounting legs/stands...
  17. rkesling

    Setting up my OLD 75g for FOWLR pics

    Still have a ton to work on but here is my progress so far. open to some constructive criticism
  18. rkesling

    WTB: Sump in MD

    I need a sump for a FOWLR 75. I am in Maryland. If I can't find one I may press my luck and try to build one .
  19. rkesling

    75g FOWLR lighting suggestions?

    I currently have a single 96w PC light that I will be using. Is this enough light for a 75 FOWLR set up? thanks
  20. rkesling

    WANTED Canopy for a 75g rr

    I am looking for a oak colored or stainable canopy for a 75g RR system. I would make one myself but have no time and lack the carpentry skills. Does not have to be anything fancy! thanks