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  1. j0hn rambo

    Puffer fish not eating *video*

    My stars and stripes hasn't ate for nearly two weeks, any suggestions to help him eat would be great. I've had him for nearly six years (he was 5 when I adopted him from my local shop). The puffer was with an emperor angelfish for 3.5 years but I donated the angel to the Newport Aquarium in...
  2. j0hn rambo

    Emperor and Wrasse have HLLE

    Quick Background. I have a 125 fish only. It's been running since August '06. The only fish I had in it was a stars and stripes puffer (over a foot) until about a year ago when I added a green bird wrasse. Then last April I added an Emperor Angel. When I first got the wrasse I noticed what...
  3. j0hn rambo

    Emperor QT help

    Quick Background- I put my Emperor I got off this site into QT, he's beginning to change into an adult. He is in a 20 gallon long. In a few days he will have hit the 4 week mark. The first 3 weeks I didn't notice anything on him. 5 days ago I put in Prazi-Pro to eliminate any possible parasites...
  4. j0hn rambo

    Starfish Sick

    I have had a Green Brittle Starfish in my wet/dry filter that sits below my 125 for over two years. Every few days I feed him frozen krill. However lately he has began to shrink in size and his arms are getting shorter. I have tried to hold the krill under him but he doesn't want to eat it. Any...
  5. j0hn rambo

    Emperor Owners Need Advice

    I recently ordered the Emperor Angel off this site that's in it's changing phase from juv to adult. He/She will be here tomorrow. Any advice on feeding, etc. would be great. I have been in the hobby for a while now but never owned an Angel.. and this is my most expensive fish so far. I hear as...
  6. j0hn rambo

    Nova Extreme X2 T5HO Fixtures

    I have a 125 FOWLR. It has standard Flourescent bulbs. The tanks been set-up for a couple years now and the live rock has lost the majority of its purple and better looking color. Rather than adding "Purple Up" I was just thinking about picking up a set of cheap lights. I don't plan to grow...
  7. j0hn rambo

    Could this work?

    I'm looking to make my third and final addition to my 125 FOWLR. Currently I have a X-large Stars and Stripes Puffer and I green bird wrasse. I would love to get a larger sized angel but have decided to wait until I have a larger aquarium that would be able to house him. I was thinking of adding...
  8. j0hn rambo

    Cut on Puffer? (pics)

    I just noticed tonight my Large Stars and Stripes Puffer has dark line about an inch in length. This really sucks because I have a feeling it has something to do with the recent addition 2 weeks ago of a green bird wrasse. I had the puffer alone in the 125 for over 2 years and finally introduced...
  9. j0hn rambo

    Spots on Green Bird Wrasse

    I currently have a Green Bird Wrasse in a 20 gallon long QT Tank. Ammonia-0 Nitrite-0 Nitrate-20 He has dark brown spots on both sides of his body in different areas. They almost look like scars. Can anyone help me out on this one? Not sure if it's Scarring or Natural Skin Pattern for this guy...
  10. j0hn rambo

    Warning to others!

    To all of you out there who have larger fish in your aquarium be sure to cover any cords that run into your tank. I just bought a $60 Koralia 4 a few days ago and noticed today it wasn't running.. I unplugged it and plugged it back in and still nothing.. I then noticed several bite marks that...
  11. j0hn rambo

    Puffer Tank-mates

    Alright I created a thread on the Fish Discussion board yesterday and it generated no responses, I couldn't figure out how to delete it so I'm sorry. I will try to keep this shorter. I have a 125 FOWLR it's been running around 3 years and I've had a 12+ inch Stars and Stripes Puffer in it (only...
  12. j0hn rambo

    Green Bird Wrasse/Tank questions

    Rather than create several threads I'm going to try to keep all my questions just in here. I recently picked up a Green Bird Wrasse (around 6 inches). I have him in a qt tank right now. He is very active and eating brine shrimp/krill. I have noticed some dark brown spots on both sides of his...