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  1. melypr1985

    My Frag swap winnings! Pics!

    Today was our spring fragswap here in Dallas. We always have a live fish raffle along with tons of other prizes. I had been wanting a new fish for a few months now so I decided to concentrate my efforts there. I bought 25 tickets for $20 and put 20 of them in the fish raffle and let my boyfriend...
  2. melypr1985

    building a canopy with metal halides help

    I'm planning on building a canopy with metal halides and t5HO in it. I already have the t5ho on my tank. I'm wondering what the best design for a canopy would be. I can only think of three designs. the first is where there are two doors on the front of the canopy, the second is where the front...
  3. melypr1985

    moving an elegance coral/ help please

    I have an elegance coral that I'm selling tonight. I need help on how to get it off the rock without damaging it. It has incrusted itself on the rock so I cant just break the glue bond that I used to keep it there. Any help here would be great! oh yeah, when I got it I didnt' know what it was so...
  4. melypr1985

    attacked/deseased/ or stung?

    The first two pictures are of earlier today (best I could get), and the last two are of just an hour ago. I can't tell what exactly is wrong with her. she's new to the tank, but any agression has died down days ago (and I watch closely) although being picked on is possible still...... She has...
  5. melypr1985

    Disapearing act

    I had a baby clownfish that was perfectly fine until I moved him into my 90 gallon tank. He was really small but very healthy and happy. One day he just turned up missing, no evidence, no body, no illness, nothing! So, yesterday I fell in love with this mated pair and had to have them! They...
  6. melypr1985

    ID help

    I got this for free about 6 months ago. It's skeleton (if you wanna call it that) is purple and when the polyps are retracted its very smooth. The first picture is a very very early picture of it. The last two are different angles on it now. The lights are out so i can't get a picture of it with...
  7. melypr1985

    Faded Mandarin

    My mandarin is looking very ill. I can't place what it could be though. She has been lathargic and slow. She still swims a little and hunts some for food but not much. Her color is really really faded and her tail is now starting to look tattered. the only thing I've seen pick on her was the...
  8. melypr1985

    fire shrimp

    do fireshrimp actually clean fish like the cleaner shrimp do? I'm just wondering because i saw my mimic tang in the cave my fireshrimp lives in and the shrimp was on the tangs face. I didn't get a pic because he stoped by the time i got my camera over there. anybody ever see this with theirs?
  9. melypr1985

    TDS readings

    i just borrowed a TDS meter from a friend and he told me that I want it to read 0. Well, my tap water reads at 256 and after the RODI it reads 9. Will this hurt my tank? does that mean that I need to replace a filter, and if so which one? I was told that you should replace them every 6 months or...
  10. melypr1985

    bubble eat another coral?

    i know this sounds funny but.... will a bubble coral actually eat another coral? I know it will sting anything within reach but.... Ok, I'm reallyl dumb and put my kenya tree up on a rock behind and above my bubble coral. One of my critters knocked it down behind the bubble coral over night. I...
  11. melypr1985

    just a curriosity

    I dont have any sea horses but I do like to read these threads to learn just incase I later decided to have them. I have been reading about people breeding their horses and being fairly successful at it. My curriosity peeked at hearing about the babies breeding with the parrents. Since...
  12. melypr1985

    do firefish school?

    ok. here's my delima. I always thought that firefish couldn't be kept together because they would fight. Now I realize that you could keep a male and female together but not a group. Lately I've been corrected by many people on several different forums and stores. They have ALL told me that I'm...
  13. melypr1985

    has anybody used or heard of this skimmer?

    There is a guy that wants to trade his protien skimmer to me but I've never heard of it. It took me a while google-ing and I gave up and went to bing and finnaly found it. but all it gives is prices, no info. I want to know if this is a good skimmer or if I should tell him to go somewhere else...
  14. melypr1985

    cloudy water?

    I used my rodi unit to mix 25 gallons of water and mixed in my salt yesterday. I put a powerhead in there, like I always do, and let it mix all night and all today. Well, I take the lid off to check the specific gravity and the water is all cloudy! This trashcan is only used to mix water. It was...
  15. melypr1985

    candy cane splitting again!

    I got this from a local club member for free to see if it would grow under my lighting. I've had it for 3 months and it has split once already. Now it's going to split again! The left polyp looks like it will split soon after this one does also! I just thought this was pretty cool. I'm fairly...
  16. melypr1985

    Identification Please

    I got this frag from a local club member for free so I didnt' care what it was. He said he didn't know anyways. But I've had alot of people comment on it asking what it was. It has a hard skeleton but long-ish polyps. They are long enough to make me think this is a LPS. I was thinking more like...
  17. melypr1985

    would you risk it?

    So, I'm thinking that I need to combine my nano and my 90. Problems? Yes, I have a small lion in the 90 along with 4 damsels. The lion has never bothered or even seemed to be aware of the damsels so I'm not really worried about him bothering my clown or scooter blenny. My biggest delima is that...
  18. melypr1985

    calcium dosing in a nano

    Here's the situation. I cant afford all the fancy equipment that most people use for dosing. I can't get a reactor or pump or float switch or any other technical way of getting this calcium in my nano automaticaly. Now, what I have done already is mix in the Mrs. wages pickling lime in my RO...
  19. melypr1985

    Can You Frag A Bubble Coral?

    I have a bubble coral that is growing faster than anything else i have in my tank. It's growing so fast that soon it will have to be put in my 90 gal. I've been asking around and nobody seems to know if you can or how to frag a bubble. I was wondering if you guys might know. I'm not planning on...
  20. melypr1985

    bubble coral choking?

    I fed my bubble coral a krill yesterday and today it is all shrunken up with its mouth exposed. I can still see the krill inside it's mouth. is it having a hard time digesting it or somthing? can it actually choke?