Search results

  1. petcareplus2003

    Does this sound right?

    Does this sound like it would work? I have a 29 gallon aquarium with a Mechanical/chemical filter and a mechanical/ chemical/ protein skimmer/ biological filter and a super-bright 24" 50/50 florescent light. Oh, I also have a good powerhead for water movement and about an even 3-4 inches of...
  2. petcareplus2003

    Too Crowded?

    I currently have 2 lbs of live rock, 1 sabae clown, 1 humbug damsel, 1 green brittle star, and 1 very small condy anemone. I was wondering if I could add: 25 more lbs. of live rock 2 orange-eyed urchins 2 more condy anemones 10-20 Bluelegged Hermits 10 Turbo Snails 1-5 Mushroom Corals 1 colony...
  3. petcareplus2003

    Manderine Food

    I once read that manderine fish feed off of some kind of cephapods (I think that is how their name is spelled). I have recently notice small gray shrimp-looking things running around on the live rock. Is this what they are?:confused: :confused: