Search results

  1. eggy5404

    Need help with first corals...

    HI, I need help. At first I decided to have a FOWLR and I started out with reef safe fishes but ended up buying a double saddle back butterfly. A little background on my tank, it's be up and running for 2 yrs. It's a 72 gallon, with sump and skimmer and refuge. Thanks to the board, I think I...
  2. eggy5404

    BF has 2 large spots on body... Help

    Hi, Ive had my new butterfly and bi-color angel in a 20 qt for 2 weeks. Today I notice that my BF has 2 large white dots. One on her right fin and the other on the top back fin near her tail. I think I may off been over feeding the live black worms and brine shrimp and I haven't done a water...
  3. eggy5404

    brown flat worms

    Hi, I looked into my refuge and notice these brown things floating on the water and on the side of the refuge. I caught one in a cup and it looks like a flat worm b/c of the split tail but it's not white. Can anyone tell me if this is bad? Right now the fuge is not connected to the main tank...
  4. eggy5404

    ?? about my first fish

    Hi, I'm getting my first fishes (2 false clowns) delivered tomorrow. My tank has been up and running since June. All parameters are right and the fish will be quaratined for the next 4 weeks. The quaratine tank is a 20 gallon high, with filter which sat in the main tank for 3 weeks. One ph and...
  5. eggy5404

    ?? about quaratine tank

    Hi, I've been slowly setting up my 20 gallon quaratine tank. The reason why I say "slowly" is b/c I'm using the water from my main tank when doing water changes to fill the q/t. I wanted to know if I could use sponge filters for the q/t tank. If so, do I just place the filter into the main tank...
  6. eggy5404

    Float Switch or Valve??

    Okay, I'm lost and I really need help. I want to install something in my sump to turn off my return pump if the water level gets to low (therefore the pump will not burn out). I've had problems with my overflow and had to run the plug out the return pump but I can't be there to babysit the sump...
  7. eggy5404

    Fish Selection.. Some opinions please

    Hi, Planning our my future reef tank and compiled a list of fishes I think will work well in my 72 gallon tank. Looking for opinions positive and negative on my selection and also any other suggestions for fishes. Thanks so much. Starting with: 2 - aguacultured Percula Clowns 2 - Cleaner...
  8. eggy5404

    Overflow stopped syphoning..??

    Hi, After about of month of planning, I finally get my sump up and running. I have a 15 gallon long with a lifereef overflow box and Mag 9.5 for the return pump I sat up all Sat night listening to the sump to make sure everything is going right. Around 7:10 am, I hear the return pump start...
  9. eggy5404

    What's the story with Emerald Crabs

    Hi, I got an emerald crab with my clean up crew b/c I did see two of those green balls things on my lr (can't think of the name right now) and they are now gone probably due to the emerald crab. I did notice my emerald crab trying to make a meal out of a snail but couldn't get the snail out of...
  10. eggy5404

    Missing peppermint shrimps

    Hello, About 2 wks ago I added my clean up crew to my 72 gallon tank. The crew consisted off 2 peppermint shrimps (one had eggs attached) 20 different snails, 1 emerald crab, 1 fighthing conch, and 7 red legged hermit crabs. I saw the shrimps for the first 2 days and haven't seen them since...
  11. eggy5404

    Quaratining First Fish

    My tank is fully cycled and has been up and running since June. Right now I have my clean up crew in the tank and and nothing else. I want to purchase my first fish therefore I need to setup my quarantine tank and have the fish in there for a couple of weeks before moving to the main tank Can I...
  12. eggy5404

    Where do I go from here??

    Hi, My tank has been up and running since June. I added my clean up crew two weeks ago even thou I haven't seen my peppermint shrimps for the past week. It's a 723 gallon bow front and I'm still trying to get my sump and refuge up and running. My question is I haven't done much since adding my...
  13. eggy5404

    Live Sand and Clean up crew ???

    Should there be a time frame delay between adding my cleanup crew and the live sand. My tank has finished cycling and I have a lot of brown diatom which is now turning red?? I want to add my clean up crew but at the same time I want to get my current dsb activated with live sand. Can they be...
  14. eggy5404

    Basic Sump Design will it work??

    I've made a diagram of my refuge / sump. My refuge is a 8 gal plastic container and my sump is a 15 gal glass tank.. I will have my refuge draining into the return side of my sump, does anyone see this as a problem? I plan on maintaining the refuge for pod population, should I put the lr / ls...
  15. eggy5404

    Can I use a U tube for refuge

    Hi I have a 5 gallon non drilled tank that I would like to setup as my refuge separate from my 15 gallon sump. I will have it elavated higher than my sump and I have an extra U tube that came with my lifereef overflow box. Can I use this tube to have the refuge water drain into the sump? Will...
  16. eggy5404

    4 clicking then 2 then 1 ???

    So what do I have a Mantis or a Pistol? I haven't been able to see it yet. Are they that smart that they won't make a sound when I'm close by? When I sit in front of the tank to try and get a direction of the sound, nothing.... as soon as I walk away, I hear the clicking.. I don't have any fish...
  17. eggy5404

    LR for sale Locals only Long Island / 5 Boroughs

    Hi, I don't think I can put anymore lr into my tank therefore I have around 60lbs (plus) of Tonga, Marshall and Fugi lr left to sell. The lr has been in a holding container for about 5 days with sw from an established tank. There is some coraline on the lr. By the way this is FULLY CURED LR...
  18. eggy5404

    sump dividers.. please suggest

    Hi, I have a 15 gallon long that I will will be using for my sump. I need to divide the tank between my protein skimmer and return pump. I need to know what type of divider I can use to separate the compartments.. I've heard that eventually the plexiglass loosen up when glued to glass.. Any...
  19. eggy5404

    Help with another ID.. Please

    I came home today and noticed this brown plant coming out of my lr. At first it retracted for awhile and then it stayed out long enough for me to get some pictures What is this? Feather duster or Aipitisia.. Thanks Michelle
  20. eggy5404

    ID these plants please

    I'm having a hard time determing if the following plants are aipitisia or some sort of feather duster.. Any help will be greatly appreciated.. Thanks Michelle