Search results

  1. kissiefish

    alge bloom

    Hey all, Got an alge bloom going on in my tank, its rather frustrating to watch my tank just have a green, cloudy tint to it. I did a 10% water change and that just made it worse. I did all my tests and they seem to be fine....PH 8.0, Amonia 0, Nitrate 10, Nitrite 0.22. I have had a few...
  2. kissiefish

    Sharks Under Glass

    I was watching the Discovery Channel today for the culmination of Shark week, and I got to see "Sharks Under Glass". Such a very interesting show not only for the shark factor but while watching you get to see how aquariums in essence take care of there SUPER huge fish tanks. The Mandaly Bay...
  3. kissiefish

    New addition to my tank

    Its not much by everyone elses tanks, but its a start and I am starting gain my confidence with the tank :cool:
  4. kissiefish

    Tank Cloudy

    Hi all, For the past two morning when I wake up my tank is cloudy. So I go in there sift the coral a bit and check and make sure the end of the filter is clean (which it is) and it clears up. This is making me crazy. I don't know what it is that could be making my tank get like this. It...
  5. kissiefish

    Hello to Everyone

    Hi Everyone, Just wanted to introduce myself, I am new to the hobby and have started my tank. I have referenced this board for alot for some great information. I have had my tank, which is a 55g filtering for about a week now I put my first inhabitants in it yesterday. I started my cycle with...