Search results

  1. bean

    Water parameters Q!

    I'm curious about my water parameters. The tank has been cycling for about two weeks but I haven't seen a large ammonia spike. My parameters sg 1.024 temp 76 PH normal ammonia .25 nitrite 0 nitrate 10 water - clear algae - some hair algae on the rocks with good coralline growth - no algae...
  2. bean

    LR organisms?

    How long did it take some of you to notice feather dusters, worms ofr anything else on the LR. I bought 75# of LR from SWF about a week ago and I'm constantly scanning the tank and rock for anything growing or crawling around. The LR I bought looks great though! I'm headed to my LFS to pick up...
  3. bean

    when to expect the ammonia spike?

    Just wanted to thank everyone for their help up to this point. I have my 100g completely set up with 85# of live rock and a 5-6"DSB and everything looks great. I emptied a minute rice bag and placed it in distilled water the rinsed it with salt water and placed a shrimp inside to jump start the...
  4. bean

    rock/sand ?

    I have a question. I purchased my aragonite sand on line and it was supposed to arrive on Monday but they didn't send out the order until Monday and are telling me it will arrive on Thursday. I was a little anxious so I purchased 100# of live rock expecting my sand to have already arrived and be...
  5. bean

    Shaving Brush Plants?

    I'm in the process of preparing to cycle a FOWLR 100g tank with a 5"DSB and 100# of live rock and 50# of base rock. I've got my fish list and invert list but would like to add a few marine plants. Does anyone have any experience with the Shaving Brush plant. I think it would look great in the...
  6. bean


    Is it possibe to keep a lantern basslet and a chalk basslet in the same tank given their different color patterns. There is a lantern basslet in one of the aquariums at the hospital where I work and he is a cool little fish, constantly begging at the glass trying to get everyone's attention. I'm...
  7. bean

    more sand Q?

    Looking at the ingredient list of the different sands, is there anything in the sand that should be avoided at all cost or should it be pure silica or aragonite. I saw a silica sand at home depot but i think it had another substance with it. I am about to mix my water and purchase 100# of live...
  8. bean

    more sand Q?

    Are there any other store bought sand I can use other than southdown or new castle. I've been hunting this stuff down and cant find any. I've heard some mention to quickrete sand but there were a few different kinds. I'm not sure which one to get and I can't remember where I saw the message...
  9. bean

    stocking ?

    The tank will be a FOWLR. I think the reef tanks are beautiful and I would like to have one in the future but I wanted to get some experience with a less fragile system. This tank will be devoted to fish and compatible inverts. I'm not sure how long the tank is but it is long and makes my 55g...
  10. bean

    stocking ?

    I'm in the process of trying to put a stock list together. I have a 100g with a 5" DSB, 50# of base rock and I just ordered 100# of live rock to initiate the cycle so I hve plenty of time to pick out some fish. I have a prelim. stock list of 2 percula clowns, 5-7 green chromis, a blenny (unsure...
  11. bean

    Sand Question

    I have a queation about the addition of sand into the aquarium. I am planning on buying some sand (NewCastle or Southdown). Is there anything that i need to do with it before adding it to the tank, ie clean it?. I have 75# of live sand to seed the non-living sand but i'm unsure of what steps I...
  12. bean

    Setting up 75g

    Thanks for all the information. I was intending on using a DSB of 5" in addition to 75-80# of uncured live rock to initiate the cycle once I finish buying all the necessary equipment this weekend. I know this may be a little premature but I was trying to put a baic stock list together and have...
  13. bean

    Setting up 75g

    By far the best resource I have come across to date. I've been reading messages off this board for the last few weeks and I have gained a lot of valuable information in the process. I have just purchased a 75 gallon tank and I'm in the process of buying all the necessary equipment. My question...