Search results

  1. crustytheclown

    Coraline algae on base rock

    I set my reef up in April, using Lava Rock, and it's now covered in 3 different colors of Coraline. :D
  2. crustytheclown

    Tank For Sale

    Sell your parent, and keep the tank! :D
  3. crustytheclown

    Flushing Nemo

    Mmmmmmmmm SUSHI!
  4. crustytheclown

    Are 3 pumps too much?

    I'm running (1) Mag-7, (1) MaxiJet-1200 and (2) MaxiJet-900's in my sump, as well as (1) MaxiJet-600, (1) MaxiJet-900, and (1) MaxiJet-1200 in the tank...
  5. crustytheclown

    reef lighting

    Actinics -- 16 Whites -- 14
  6. crustytheclown

    Scratched Glass? Tank ruined?

    Me too, but I'm not going to waste my time crying about it... Well, no more than most anyway... :( Actually, 800 grit sandpaper would probably buff out even the deepest of scratches, but it's simply not worth wasting my time doing it. I have several scratches from my magnets, and I guess that...
  7. crustytheclown

    what the?

    Buy it! ;)
  8. crustytheclown

    what the?

    Diatoms... they'll subside as the tank matures. The best way to eliminate them, is to use RO/DI water rather than regular tap water.
  9. crustytheclown

    Turbo-Twist 6x 18 watt U.V. Sterilizer

    Nobody needs brand new 18w UV Sterilizer..? :cool:
  10. crustytheclown

    CBS and Pistol.

    Nice, very nice! ;)
  11. crustytheclown

    CBS and Pistol.

    Originally posted by farmerbob Ozzy, My roommates just came back from the LFS a few days ago with a CBS and a goby and put them in our 30 gallon. It seems like every time we go to these stores they just slide in an inch further. What should we do? The CBS seems to have found a spot on the...
  12. crustytheclown

    CBS and Pistol.

    I'm a couple hours north of St. Louis, directly on the Mississippi... A couple of times a year, we become one with the river, and not in a Zen sorta way either! :eek: The parking lot of the "Smoke House" is generally packed with Jags, Lexus', Hummers, Volvo's, BMR's, and just about anything...
  13. crustytheclown

    CBS and Pistol.

    I've not tried "Super Smokers" yet, but my partner says it's only mediocre... The "Smoke House" in Chesterfield has great smoked meats though, and their jerky is in a world of it's own. My wife's mother and grandmother live in Eureka, so we usually try to stop in and get a couple bags of...
  14. crustytheclown

    CBS and Pistol.

    Originally posted by aarone are you reffering to the angelos in fort worth? I love that place! aaron Yes Maam! ;)
  15. crustytheclown

    CBS and Pistol.

    The license plate thing is obviously absurd, but as far as crime & punishment go, Texas does it right. BBQ -- Ahhh, where do I begin..? As the developers of a nationwide "BBQ Review" feature forum, my partners and I have a bit of experience in that realm. I personally don't care for the...
  16. crustytheclown

    CBS and Pistol.

    Originally posted by aarone you want mandatory capital punishment, come to texas. Texas -- the home of great laws, and great BBQ! :D
  17. crustytheclown

    CBS and Pistol.

    An inanimate object possess no thought or rage, nor does it have the ability to carry out an action, without some form of human interaction. That said, if you lay a loaded firearm on a table and stare at it for hours, all you will ever have is a loaded firearm that is laying on a table for...
  18. crustytheclown

    CBS and Pistol.

    Originally posted by lovethesea ...especially now in Missouri you can carry.........:eek: And it's about time!!! ;)
  19. crustytheclown

    Need help with fudge

    Once your FUGE is finally complete, you should sit back, relax, and enjoy some FUDGE! :D