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  1. fishrus4

    Rock anemones taking over

    We have Rock Anemones taking over our reef tank. We have tried the boiling water, when have tried chem marin and nothing is working. Is there anything we can add to the tank that will eat them?
  2. fishrus4

    Moving Reef tank

    We have a 30 gallon reef tank and a 55 gallon salt water tank that we need to move from one house to another. What is the best way to move them so we don't loose all the coral and fish? This is around a 10 mile move. Thanks
  3. fishrus4

    Rock anenome

    We have rock anenome taking over how can we get rid of it? We have several corals that are attached to more than one rock. Our LFS said we have to take every rock out and scrub with brush. Scared we will loose alot of the corals.... Help????? Thanks
  4. fishrus4

    New 55 gallon saltwater tank

    Thanks!! We have a Yellow Tang so the colors you suggested will be a great mix. Any suggestions for alge to keep things white??
  5. fishrus4

    New 55 gallon saltwater tank

    non aggressive I think. Want alot of colorful fish. Got the 30 gallon reef tank for the coral look but want the 55 gallon to SHINE with fish.
  6. fishrus4

    New 55 gallon saltwater tank

    We have a 30 gallon reef tank and have changed our 55 gallon fresh water tank to a Salt water tank (fish only) and have just completed the cycling process. We would like to know what are good fish combinations and what is the best for alge control.