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  1. speed123

    which is the best off the shelf water???

    what off the shelf water brand is good to use in my reef tank...or is it not recomended to purchase water from the local grocery store? zep-hills, culligan, store brand water?? what other alternatives could i use? i don't want to use tap water from my faucet. :D
  2. speed123

    drip diagram???

    how can i make and drip device with a air pump? i have the tubing, valve and pump but i cannot seem to make it work correctly. does anyone have an diagram? i have and gallon jug of cal. and trying to drip it slowly into my sump. :notsure:
  3. speed123

    Criticize my sump/fuge plumbing design please!!!

    to avoid water falling noise you can use an sponge from the tip of the waterfall on down....the water will just flow through the sponge:D
  4. speed123

    Criticize my sump/fuge plumbing design please!!!

    this is off the subject what are the benifits of having a set up like this....this is the first i ever heard of it...i'm new to the reef world.....diagram looks goo though.
  5. speed123

    Uv Sterilizers???

    is it harmful to have one in an reef tank? what are the pro and cons of having one. i currently have one on my tank but it is an all fish tank at the moment i'm in the process of switching to and reef tank.....can anyone shed some light on this subject? :D
  6. speed123

    best place to get metal halide????

    Where is the best place to purchase metal halide lighting for my 75 gallon setup? I was looking to purchase (2) 48” strip of metal halide lighting. I’m only looking to purchase complete lighting and not piece one together. If you guys have any good sources or site please email me links or info...
  7. speed123

    going from fish to reef

    wow great info guys i bet this will help others too as much as it has me....kep the suggestion going and thanks a bunch:D
  8. speed123

    going from fish to reef

    hiROCK what setup are you running? anything special in particular? what kind of chemicals are you using for you science project?
  9. speed123

    going from fish to reef

    i will be going with Metal Halide lighting for my standard 75 gallon tank.....any more good suggestions to start with?
  10. speed123

    going from fish to reef

    new light setup to be able to keep softies clams corals ect. has anyone run the setup that NATUREEF offers where you don't have to do any water changes and maintain a safe water stability? anymore suggestions from you reef guys?? thanks:D
  11. speed123

    going from fish to reef

    i'm in the process from going to an all fish tank to a reef type setup....i have never ventured off in to the reef world and starting to learn new stuff. what can you guys recomend? i will have new lighting set up for my 75 gallon tank. as the tank sits now i have lot of live rock covering the...