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  1. joker

    very strange happening.......

    Imo, If it was in the skimmer cup, It was already dead. Unless you have a Giant skimmer, it should have been able to escape.
  2. joker


    I currently have a 30 gal hex (tall). You need a tall tank, not wide, around 30 gal. If you go with Dwarf horses (ponies), I know of people keeping them in 5 gal. tanks (Eclipse brand etc.) We have been keeping sea horses for a couple of years. We have actually had bad luck with captive bred...
  3. joker

    New and Confused

    your picture did not insert. But IMO, Damsels are extremely aggressive, and this sounds like a battle wound. Has it been attacked by the other damsel?? And is the fleshy spot missing scales or is it a wound?? Or is it just that, a spot that has appeared?? Again, IMO, this sounds to me like...
  4. joker

    starter aggressive setup question

    I am starting my first aggressive tank, either a 30 or 55. No, this will not be long term, just starter. I want a trigger tank - strictly. I would start with as small as I could find, or if I have to wait on one, then I would get one to match size that I would already have, plus partition...
  5. joker

    sick tank

    yeah, i cant kill it. I could kill a human easier than an animal. That is why I am so depressed. I have moved every rock in the tank, and havent found anything else dead. I tried taking a Trite reading, and the AmmoLock has got it messed up. I am moving all fish to 10 gal for overnight, and...
  6. joker

    sick tank

    well My yellow tang didnt make it. I was out of salt and didnt have any made up, and I have no other water ready since I used it up in the 20 gal change last night. I lost a clown this afternoon, and the other is bad too. I am transferring all that is left to my 15 mantis tank, bye bye mr...
  7. joker

    sick tank

    20 Gals changed out. added Ammo lock as per instructions. Added another PH to increase flow. The fish seem tired and are hiding around rocks. My yellow tang is pretty much history, but with the increased water flow, he appears to have the will to live. I guess I will know in the morning. I...
  8. joker

    sick tank

    the only thing that I am using is instant ocean and water. I am adding nothing else to water change water
  9. joker

    sick tank

    ok I have checked ph all around the ph in tank, the wet/dry, and my tank with waterchange water are all 8.2. I will do a 20 gallon change right now and then add the ammo lock. I cant think - how do I lower ph?? oh yeah, i got a bottle of buffering agent with my red sea test kit
  10. joker

    sick tank

    nothing has died in the tank up until this point. I have had a problem with a single redleg attempting to get a turbosnail out of his shell. I went through the rockwork today and have found nothing dead. water movement is coming from a powerhead and the wet/dry, which is pumped fom the sump. I...
  11. joker

    tank is crashing - friends are dying - HELP

    read my post on sick tank - PLEASE BETH - give me a hint of what you think please
  12. joker

    sick tank

    they are all dying. thanks for the reply, since i was on when you read the post that was posted after mine
  13. joker

    sick tank

    there is a shadow around his fin, but , yes, there is redness too.
  14. joker

    sick tank

    also his eyes are cloudy and appear to be severly messed up. he has not been attacked by any other fish, or lobster.
  15. joker

    sick tank

    55 gal wet dry filter w/ bio balls FOLR 40# substrate ( crushed coral, LS, Aragonite ) 50# LR temp -78 salinity - 1.024 Amm - .25 Trite - .5 Trate - 20 low ph - 8.2 Yellowtail damsels (2) 1.5 inch each Chromis Damsel (1) 1 inch False Percula Clowns (2) 2 inch each Mandarin Dragonette (1)...
  16. joker

    sea horse has fungus

    I have just sent an email with pics to the Director of Marine Sciences at Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute in hopes of a positive identification of this stuff. TerryB, thanks for the advice. I have never , ever done any dips and am not sure how to do it. I believe, now that I am typing...
  17. joker

    sea horse has fungus

    I got up last night and checked my horse and found a cirrolanid isopd attached to her tail. got it off without stressing her, and put it in with my mantis for it to eat. I have had bouts with cirrolanids before, and Ophiura help in ident of those. getting bad batches of LR from lfs I guess
  18. joker

    sea horse has fungus

    are these chemicals readily available and easily obtained?? I have never had to do any dips before. can I treat whole tank or does it need to be q'teened? the only things in tank are this horse, a firefish and a yellow cucumber. Also a red sponge. I guess I also need to ask if this stuff has...
  19. joker

    sea horse has fungus

    last for now
  20. joker

    sea horse has fungus
