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  1. diverdown

    Discovery Channel builds my 250 FOWLR Monday night!

    thanks fshhub, that's what I meant :) Diverdown
  2. diverdown

    Discovery Channel builds my 250 FOWLR Monday night!

    Pam, I really enjoyed the show, and like everyone else, I wish they spent more time on the tank. With regards to some of the previous posts regarding the cycle, from what I can tell from watching the show, there would be no need to cycle this tank. For all intents and purposes, it is precycled...
  3. diverdown

    Snail ID

    got lots of these. About 30 in various sizes. Anyone recognize them? Any assistance is greatly appreciated
  4. diverdown

    Snail ID

    same guy
  5. diverdown

    Snail ID

  6. diverdown

    Snail ID

    here's another shot of him
  7. diverdown

    Snail ID

    Found these in a tide pool this morning. I can't find them on line enywhere. Can anyone identify these little snails? Are they OK to introduce into my tank? I'll attach a few pictures... This is a large guy. Only got one of this type:
  8. diverdown

    Turboflotor T1000

    Anyone know of a LFS in the Toronto area that sells the Turboflotor. (Got a friend visiting there this wekend). I'm building a sump/refugium and have decided to use the T1000 in the setup. Thanks Diverdown
  9. diverdown

    The Bermuda Project

    Well, I went into town today to check out the two main LFS and was very pleasantly surprised. While neither stocked saltwater fish, both were quite knowledgable on the subject, one had been keeping a reef for years, and there is actually stock of equipment and stuff. This is a very good thing...
  10. diverdown

    The Bermuda Project

    Actually, I'm a bit overwhelmed by it all. I've only ever had freshwater before, so I'm afraid of missing something obvious! That's why I figure I'll start with fish only and much later start looking into live rock and anemones. We have some fabulous sea life here, though not as varied as...
  11. diverdown

    The Bermuda Project

    OK, The Bermuda Project is underway. As indicated in a previous thread, I am attempting to start up a reef tank here in Bermuda. As local law prohibits importation of saltwater fish and inverts, I will be setting up and maintaining this project without the help of any LFS or local experts, and...
  12. diverdown

    ~*~ YoUr FaV pEt PiCtUrEs~*~

    This is Barclay. This was taken when he was still a pup. Now he's a bit of a brute. First time trying to attach a photo. Hope it works.... Diverdown
  13. diverdown

    Reefkeeping in Bermuda

    Well, the research continues. Thanks you all for your input. I've spoken with the government departments here about importing fish, and here are the conditions of entry: 1. Fish is free from visible signs of disease and parasites 2. The fish must be freshwater species only 3. No plant...
  14. diverdown

    Reefkeeping in Bermuda

    DPDIVER, Great diving here in Bermuda. We have the northern most reef in the world. Great viz in the winter (70-80 feet easy), a little less inthe summer. Mostly shallow diving (50 feet or so) for reef dives, and 20-30 feet for wreck dives, and we've got a LOT of wrecks here. The island is...
  15. diverdown

    Reefkeeping in Bermuda

    stumpdog, thanks for the quick response. I was thinking of getting the sand from deeper water while on a dive. the beach sand would have more pollutants (sunscreen, cig butts, garbage, etc). I'm thinking maybe around a coral head about 30 feet down. diverdown
  16. diverdown

    Reefkeeping in Bermuda

    Hi everyone. I have kept a freshwater tank for years, and have decided to try my hand with a saltwater setup. I'm currently in "reswearch mode" at the moment. After discussing this with the local pet store, it turns out very few people actually keep saltwater tanks here. Apparently it is a...