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  1. blindman

    Green Hair Algae

    Sorry about this post I know I have read about how it starts. but how do you stop it . I just had a bad week and lost all live stock'due to a Ammonia spike.:(
  2. blindman

    Ot: Weiner dogs

    She is great! this pic is when she was 3 months old. I hope I never go totaly blind. My kids love her
  3. blindman

    lets see some 30 gals

    Yes it is . Picture was taken with a olympus 3040 zoom. Iam still learning this camera and with my sight it is tuff.:D
  4. blindman

    lets see some 30 gals

    This is my 30 at 3 months. I am working on more lR
  5. blindman

    check this out, not for the weak at heart

    Nice Pic's. I don't like toads anyway!!!!! I don't like snakes! But thats nature! Let them check it out and let it go.:cool:
  6. blindman

    Cleaning Eclips Hood

    Thanks for your help ophiura :D
  7. blindman

    Cleaning Eclips Hood

    Sorry I have little Exp with this filter sys. Can I pull the plug on it to clean the salt creap? Will this kill my bio wheel ? Sorry for the spelling But I am Part Blind.:cool:
  8. blindman


    Nice Pic's what camera are you using. One day I hope to have a tank that looks as good as yours:cool:
  9. blindman

    My 30

    Ty_05_f The Sea Fans are sold in the Sea Shell stores :(
  10. blindman

    My 30

    Not much live rock but working on that.