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  1. antwan14

    Invert Question

    o they molt alright, but it really dosnt look like skin because their legs are thick so its easy to think that they are the actual legs, not a molt
  2. antwan14

    26 Gallon Tank....Please Help

    as i said, i have redlegs and have never had snail killing problems. just make sure you have plenty of shells. You could even use shells you have picked up( if you live near a spot), but make sure you boil them in water first. :)
  3. antwan14

    Coral Banded Shrimp question

    what do these things look like? is the cbs acting strangely around them?
  4. antwan14

    26 Gallon Tank....Please Help

    Another suggestion.:D u might want to be careful about mixing hermit types. sometimes certain types are agressive towards other types. I have redlegs in mine, and once i added some scarlets. Bad idea. The redlegs hunted all of them down and ate them:nope: I also have a coral banded and i love...
  5. antwan14

    26 Gallon Tank....Please Help

    wont the clowns fight alot for the first few weeks till they figure out who's dominant then settle down together? I read a book on clowns that said that they don't have any set gender till they are put together, so they fight to see who's dominant then that one becomes the female, while the...
  6. antwan14

    what if....

    what about the arrow crab
  7. antwan14

    what if....

    In a 30gal will my coral banded kill my pepermint? What about if i got an arrow crab?:thinking:
  8. antwan14

    75 gallon in south florida

    very sorry to hear about your dilema. hope you sell the tank. i will pray for you.
  9. antwan14

    which one?

    ok scarlets it is thanks!
  10. antwan14

    which one?

    i have some snails (3) and their are some baby snails so i will just let them grow. should i order the crabs here? will red and blue legs get along?
  11. antwan14

    AHHHH fidler crab lost limbs

    what else is in the tank?:cool:
  12. antwan14

    which one?

    they aren't very big yet, but the store people told me they can get big eventually. i guess what i mean to ask is, would it be okay to put another type of hermit in also.(for ex. this website also sells several other types of hermits. would a different type work okay because if i could i think...
  13. antwan14

    Could Be Ick, Not Sure?

    if it is a parasite, you could try a fw dip. use declorinated water and don't leave your fish in for more than10 min. it could work. just be careful to watch it and put it back into tank if it shows signs of extreme stress.:D
  14. antwan14

    which one?

    I am getting some more crabs for my 30gal. i have two scar.leg. hermits already.should i get a different type(s)? if so, does anyone have any favorites?will my other two fish (damsels) pose any problems?thanks! :D
  15. antwan14

    what the.....

    what do i do for that?:(
  16. antwan14

    what the.....

    no white spots yet, just weird behavior
  17. antwan14

    which one?

    I am getting some more crabs for my 30gal. i have two scar.leg. hermits already.should i get a different type(s)? if so, does anyone have any favorites?will my other two fish (damsels) pose any problems?thanks!
  18. antwan14

    what the.....

    okay, my electric blie damsel is starting to freak me out. it willact strangely (swimming erratically, etc.) and I don't know what it is doing. last night it sat still on the bottom and didn't move as my crab started picking at it!sometimes it seems fine but others it doesn't. what is it doing...
  19. antwan14

    clown question

    ok i will:)
  20. antwan14

    Startin' new to Saltwater

    I agree, you should look into a bigger tank. also don't c.b.'s need lots of hiding spots anyway?