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  1. pprize

    Protien Skimmer on QT?

    Myfish are sick. Ick i think. I put them in a 20 gallon qt. I used water from my 75. I have a lion, pork puffer, trigger, and a grouper. I have been adding about a gallon of fresh every day. The salinity is 1.20. SHould I use the protien skimmer from the 75 gallon?
  2. pprize

    The "DO NOT..." Advice List for Saltwater Aquarists

    Do Not tell you fish goodnight and not your Girlfriend. For some reason they get pissed. I'll never understand women!
  3. pprize

    How many Leopards?

    Do you have any pics of the sharks, I love to see them. Saltwater and motocycles, what a great way to live. I ride yamaha. 2001 R6.
  4. pprize


    Hey Everyone- Does any one have an idea about salinity. and starfish. What is a good #. I have a chocolate chip, and two serpant stars. One serpant is about 1.8 feet from leg to leg! The other one is about 7 in across. the CC star is about 6 in across. Serpants are doing great. CC is not very...
  5. pprize

    serpent star among agressors

    How do i care for a serpent star in my 75 g. I have a voltan lion, a panther grouper, snails, crabs :confused:
  6. pprize

    feeding lions

    how much micis shrimp do i feed my 3.5 inch vol. lion. He always seems hungry.
  7. pprize

    too much?

    Two months ago I started a 75g & 20g qt. 75 contained, 2in vol lion, pic trigger, 3 damsels. Lion feasted on a damsel:D . the trigger got a little too close to the powerhead when i was rinsing its filter:( . I wanted to replace the trigger and decided to try ordering fish from here. to reach...
  8. pprize

    Fat Lion ???

    I recently purchased a lionfish. It looks kike his belly is gonna explode. Is it full of food, pregnant, or sick. Fish acts normal. Please help.:confused: