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  1. every detail

    Snails taking over...

    thanks for the info they're definitely snails, I know the pods you refer to. These are baby snails, they have striped shells and move around cleaning like it's their job. I'm gonna try to give some away before they run out of food And these really do reproduce that rapidly, or I just have a...
  2. every detail

    Snails taking over...

    I started with about 25 snails in my 75reef.... and over the past few months they've multiplied, quite rapidly I started counting last week and gave up after 300 having only finished a 1/4 of the tank. I see almost microsopic snails everwhere, they cover the rocks, they cover my 300 bioballs...
  3. every detail

    Where can I find small coral sprouts

    what is SPS?
  4. every detail

    Where can I find small coral sprouts

    Originally posted by atf88 what kind of cucumber do u have? whichever one comes with the reef package from this website Where can i find more info on local clubs?
  5. every detail

    Where can I find small coral sprouts

    Well thanks for asking... or at least entertaining a noob :D Tank: 75 gallon reef tank 20 gallon long with overflow Dual Rio 600's in 75 gallon Rio 1200 pumping water back up to the 75 30+ bioballs in the overflow tank as well as overflow box 2x 250watt VHO It's been up and running for about a...
  6. every detail

    Where can I find small coral sprouts

    The LFS is good for this sometime, but I'm a year into the hobby now and I'd like to get some very small sprouts of coral to grow, I've had good luck so far with growing, I don't have the income to buy the 40-50 dollar decently sized coral, I'd like to start very small and grow them. The store...
  7. every detail

    Which Anemones will clowns interact with?

    I'm a beginner so go easy on me...I tried searching and couldn't find what I was looking for. First a few details: Tank: 75 gallon reef tank cycled for 1 month only sand cycled for 2 months with only live rock 20 gallon long with overflow Dual Rio 600's in 75 gallon Rio 1200 pumping water back...