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  1. lenvadal


    What is the number of clowns you can put in a 55 gal. CAn you put all clowns with some tangs and how many is good. Its a marine tank no live coral !
  2. lenvadal

    New dog face puffer???

    I bought my puffer a few days ago and he looked really good in the tank. He was eating and swimming really active, Now I have had him in my tank for three days, he doesn't eat, he lies on the bottom or rock and just lies ther. When I go by the tank he swims to another spot and just sits there...
  3. lenvadal

    Blue Hippo Tang addition after Yellow tang?

    I have a 55gal and one yellow tang and a hippo they get along fine and are doing great!
  4. lenvadal

    Live Rock??

    Another question my 55 gal tank is a marine tank with just fake coral and crushed coral on the bottom, can I add a large peice of Live rock to this? Just to have the benefit of live rock any suggestions?
  5. lenvadal


    another question for my marine friends! I live in EL PAso <TX thats my problem. But any way my 55g tank has alot of brown algae I have a protein skimmer and I have been using Algone in my filter (Its and an Emperor) It seems about every two days my coral and crushed coral get covered with...
  6. lenvadal

    Changing a MArine tank to Reef??

    I have a 55gl tank with fake coral etc.... and crushed coral on the bottom. I would like to change it to a reef tank! I have approx. 6 fish. How difficult will this be and can I do it and How to do it!!!
  7. lenvadal

    eclipse 6 gallon ???

    I have a six gallon eclipse tank in my office with two glowns. The tank is doing very welll with Live rock. I would like to add some coral et.... But I beleive I need more light than the light that came with the tank any suggestions??