Search results

  1. hoopslober

    4 400watt metal halides w/ bulbs 4 sale

    I would be interested intwo of them at $100 a piece. Do you still have them? Let me know!
  2. hoopslober

    What lights should I get?

    I am still pretty new at this, but I would like to upgrade my 120 gallon tank to a reef tank. I currently have (4) 65 watt power compacts. I know I should be getting MH, but I am hearing alot of different formulas on how much. I have heard anything from 5-10 watts per gallon. The tank is 24"...
  3. hoopslober

    Color change in anemone

    I am brand new in the salt water tank world!! So far so good. I have a purple tipped anemone whose tenticles are changing color. They used to be white and now are turning slightly brown. I have had it in the tank about two weeks. I was told it is either not getting enough light or needs to...