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  1. pmonroy7

    Fire Goby Disappeared!!!!!!!!!!!

    hello, I just got a fire goby 2 days ago. Everything was fine till he disappeared!!!! I have one other fish in my tank a Sailfin or lawnmower Blenny that has given me problems in the past with shrimp and I think he ate a damsel as hard as that may seem. But I dont think he did anything to the...
  2. pmonroy7

    FIRE GOBY Disappeared!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello, I just got a Fire Goby about two days ago. He was doing fine, till he Disappeared!!!! The First day he hid when the lights where off then he came out when they turned on. As Iam typing next to the tank the lights are on, but no FIRE GOBY. I read that they sometimes jump out of the tank, I...