Search results

  1. bleak

    can you overfeed

    hi guys, I just got a baby clown trigger. He's about 1 inch. Of course, like all triggers, he eats very well. I was wondering if it were possible or unhealthy for him to eat too much. He eats so much that his belly gets really big. So big that the retractable fin under the belly stays...
  2. bleak

    regal angel

    hi guys, i have had a 5 inch regal angel for about 5.5 weeks now. i have not seen him eat but i do see him picking at my live rock. do you think he is eating? can a fish survive almost 6 weeks without eating? i am feeding flake, vibragro, squid, shrimp, scallops. thanks.
  3. bleak

    coral cat shark

    hi, i just got a coral cat shark last week. he is eating great and doing well. i was wondering how often you recommend feeding him to prevent him from growing too fast. i am currently feeding him squid and shrimp. he is 13 inches long. thanks
  4. bleak

    How long without eating?

    Hi everyone, I got a regal angel two weeks ago. He was initially very shy and hid in the rock most of the day. Now he comes out occassionally but i have never seen him eat anything. It's been two weeks and I was wondering if it is possible for him to live that long without eating. Someone at...