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  1. lttrigger

    humma can see now

    Beth Ive since got test kits,ph was well bellow 7.8 nitrites and nitrates were high amn was ok I bought some marine buffer and cycle they are where they should be .I treated huma with anti bio he is much better,thank you my fish thank you,but I need to add vitiams for color I would surely app...
  2. lttrigger

    humas eyes

    protien skimmer off less than 24 hrs eyes almost back to normal he can see better he is not missing his food will let you know about tests asap.
  3. lttrigger

    humas eyes

    In the 4 years Ive had my tanks Ive never added chemicals to any of them.just a week ago I restarted my protien skimmer, I seen in a book today that could be a reason for his eyes I shut it off. my local lfs doesnt have great test kits I will get one the best one I can And do tests. At night...
  4. lttrigger

    Picasso Eating Habit

    I feed my huma and clown trigger clam shrimp scalopes krill I cut food for humma in small pieces they both take it right out of my hand. Good luck.
  5. lttrigger

    humas eyes

    Ive had the huma and a clown trigger in a 60 gal for a year half with plenty of live rock I do 10 gal water change weekly keep salt at .024 run a skimmer Ive never added any chem ever,nor do I have a Qt.
  6. lttrigger

    humas eyes

    my humas eyes are swelling and loosing vision he was fine for good year half never seen this before.
  7. lttrigger

    humas eyes

    my huma trigger eyes seem to be like popping out or getting bigger I can tell he cant see as good is this popeye and and how to cure. :confused: