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  1. alex17


    thanks beth for your help i'll do some more looking
  2. alex17


    i have live sand in the tank but standard foam filters in the filter
  3. alex17


    i have a 70 gallon hex tank, and a cascade 1000 canister filter, sand bottom. my nitrates are 100-200 ppm dependent on the time of the water change it is mesured by a stick indicater so its not real accurate. every thing else looks ok for levels. plants live on nitrates right? would some...
  4. alex17


    i have about 2-2.5" of sand in the bottom. i only have a sailfin tang and a bicolor blennie, and three hermit crabs. i have been changing my water once a week to keep the nitrates down. it is about 2 feet form a window the blind is always pulled. can i use plants to balance them out thanks...
  5. alex17


    what is a natural way to lower nitrates. i have a sailfin tang with pits i tested the water and the nitrates were high. i do have nitrate reducer stones and did a water change. which helped alolt. i am looking for a more long term fix. thanks everyone.